If you were from any place other than New Zealand, I'd suggest that your trip to western Canada include someplace with mountains. But New Zealand has some pretty beautiful scenery itself, so maybe the big empty flat boring prarie might be interesting.
According to the
Calgary Rocketry Association, they're holding a LPR/MPR launch about an hour or so north of Calgary... the weekend AFTER you leave.
On the west side of the mountains, the
British Columbia Rocket Club will be holding an MPR launch on March 7. It's a special function, starting with the introduction of the limited production West Coast Hybrids G impulse motor (man, it costs almost nothing to fly, but I just don't have the cash to buy in), Scott West will be doing some kind of secret special demonstration, then it'll be opened up for normal LPR/MPR flights. That'll be in Cloverdale, about two hours east of Vancouver, meaning it's approx. 15 hours and three tanks of gas west-southwest of Calgary.
On the up side, if you decided to head down our way during your trip, you'd be driving some of the most beautiful highways in the world, past windmill farms, glaciers, forests that go on forever... "Mon pays, ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver."
Enjoy your visit to Canada, and if you find yourself in a pub, remember these three brands: "Okanogan (oh-kah-noggin) Springs", "Granville Island", and "Sleeman's Honey Brown".