The second flight of the two-staged Tube, for whatever reason, wasn't successful. The two-stage stack went horizontal about 75 feet above the ground. The second stage dutifully ignited in this horizontal position, it flew cross country, and it hit the ground during the delay charge burn. Something must have shifted aft because the first flight was stable, but the second flight wasn't.
I couldn't find the corpse of the rocket that day.
Six weeks and several rain storms later, a member of the club found the dead rocket. The main body tube was in bad shape because of the impact and rain, but the tube fins (probably because they were coated inside and out with multiple layers of paint) were in good shape.
I pulled off the old tube fins, attached them to a new central tube, used the same old nose cone and nylon parachute, and repainted it. The "Tube II" has flown 3 times since it was revived. No more multistaged tube rocket for a while.