@rsbhunter is using an H220 reload in a 29/240 case based on other threads.
@bad_idea is suggesting to put the match in the charge well of the forward closure and fold it over, so it does not run thru the hole and block it to 'simulate' of the delay was totally burned up, but it generally does have left over. So that would emulate worst case.
Put the BP power in the well after the ematch folded over and cover with masking tape. The issue is then where to the wires get out of the rocket to attach to a ignition system, say an electron beam from an Estes set?
Many HPR folks drill a vent hole in the booster body tube to keep air pressure locked inside the tube from pushing off the nose or payload bay before the charge fires. This is a perfect hole to put the wires out.
Now on aa 900-1000 foot flight, vent holes are rarely needed, but don't hurt.
The other option is putting the ematch head thru the hole of the ejection well and snake the wires out the bottom of the motor, easy pleasy
TEST like Capt. Eric showed then
Most users are just pouring the power that comes with the H220 reload vail into the ejection well and flying. They don't test unless they ever get to Dual Deploy using altimeter charges