Big Daddy colors

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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I have a Big Daddy ready to paint, but I want to do somthing different than the Black,, has anyone come up with a good color to go with the stock decals?

I made a little drawing that I can change colors on any more ideas?
Dark blue looks good.

So would red.

But as my wife says, "NOT another white rocket!"
here's mine i did blaze orange...used the standard decals..just flipped them over

Heres me with my light-ish blue Big Daddy (4x 24mm cluster)
Some dark colors might change the appearence of the yellow in the "decal." It is somewhat translucent.
One thing to consider: whatever color you paint the body, paint the entire nose cone yellow to match the stripe... ties them together better and doesn't cut the stripe off as bluntly... make sense?
I saw a pic of one somewhere in a bright metallic blue (substituted for the black) that looked very sharp.
My son Ben decided to use his signature paint scheme: black body, red nose tip and fin tips, with yellow trim monocote to complete the reversal. I'll post a photo later.

I like the blue and yellow Big Daddy. What program did you use for the drawings? I like the idea of drawing up the rocket and then experimenting with different colors.

Best regards,

I took a screen shot from rocksim and pasted it into a paint program. rocksim does all the work that way