If we could only find a BT-101-sized nose cone and tail cone for use in cloning a Maxi-Brute V-2 (a k a "German V-2" from '78-'81). I shudder when I think about what an original kit must go for on eBay now.
Well, *I* shudder when I think of the cost of engines to fly a needlessly heavy V-2 of the same size, weighing 2, 3, or even 4 times as much as the Estes kit.
BTW - Estes re-released the Maxi V-2 in the late 1990’s, and those are out there at less cost on eBay than the original 1975 era kit would go for. As I do a “completed items” search on eBay, I see the last three Maxi V-2’s (Nov 1st thru 3rd) went for $75, $57.50, and $76 (that one was built). This kit retailed for $50 ten years ago!
In the long run, I think a person would be better off getting the Estes V-2 off of eBay. Because they could make it fly better on an E than a 3 to 4 times heavier V-2 could ever fly on a G. So, it would be a lot less costly to fly in the long run even if it did cost a lot to buy (but in truth the Estes kit on eBay is the best deal anyway, other than the paper-based models).
Or, they could get the Estes V-2 to fly way way higher an a G than any of the HPR-part-based V-2 can. Actually, the Estes V-2 could fly higher on a 70 n-sec F than even a 2 times heavier V-2 could on a G.
Oh, one thing. With a larger diameter motor mount, and any larger motors, the V-2 would have more mass in the back than designed. So it would need some noseweight to keep stable. Not a lot, but this is a reminder of a key thing to not overlook.
OK, found this website. A page of all known V-2 kits. For 4”, the cheapest non-Estes kit is $76, same price the most expensive recent Maxi V-2 went for on eBay.
- George Gassaway