Yeah, sometimes that's easier said than done...
Most recent incarnation of the 'plausability effect' was when I was watching "The Astronaut Farmer".
Ok, the whole premise was implausible to begine with, I get it... but there's implausible and then there's IMPOSSIBLE and then there's just
plain stupid and/or lazy writing or CGI whizkids taking over the storyboarding by saying "wouldn't it be cool if" and dreaming up some stupid shot that just ruins the whole movie... Case in point-- when the Atlas keels over at liftoff and goes bouncing across the desert at full throttle, singing everything in it's path, finally blowing the Mercury capsule free to bounce and tumble over the field of boulders before slamming down on it's side on the desert floor with the bloodied only slightly the worse for wear Billy Bob Thornton inside...
I WAS enjoying the movie to THAT point... I actually groaned out loud because that ONE stupid shot just ruined the whole movie! I was thinking to myself, "Geez, don't ANY of these people have Youtube?? You can find about a thousand vids on there of Atlases blowing up on the pad or shortly thereafter"... You'd think anybody writing a screenplay about a space launch would do SOME homework on the topic of the piece, but evidently NOT!!!
THAT is the difference between something like "Star Wars" and B-grade crap that just leaves you shaking your head... Star Wars, I can sit and watch and "accept" everything I'm seeing as "plausible" even if it REALLY doesn't exist, because it LOOKS like it could... but the ever increasing predilection of moviemakers to insert shots that are patently rediculous, TOTALLY violate the laws of physics and COMMON SENSE and just blow any sense of plausibility out of the water, just totally ruins the film for me...
Bout like the last Pierce Brosnan Bond film with the sports cars falling out of the back of the Antonov 225 and ending up sticking up out of the rice paddies
perfectly intact. Geez... is it THAT hard to CGI in some crushed/obliterated cars, or even demolish some wrecks and put them in craters, like what would REALISTICALLY happen-- it certainly couldn't be any harder than the rigging they did to stand those cars on end for that STUPID shot...
OH well... I hope that AVATAR doesn't violate the 'plausibility principle' too badly... if it looks right it works... I'm really looking forward to seeing this film... I saw an artwork book about it already at Books A Million the other day, and it REALLY looked cool...