Anyone else worried about today's Valentine's hearts?

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Ruler of Heck
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
A friend at work gave me a box of Valentines hearts today. Those are those small candy hearts from Necco that have catchy phrases on them. Phrases like LOVE ME, LET'S KISS, and MY GIRL. Standard fare for a Valentines day. But I'm sitting here staring at 4 heart phrases that scare me:

MAGIO - what the heck is that?
LET'S READ - catchy Vday phrase huh?
URA STAR - For those using Hooked on Phonics.
IM ME - Phrase for the 2000s.

I understand the last 2, but what the heck is the first 2 about? Well, I guess it is time to eat them and see if they taste any dumber, er, I mean different than the others. :)
I would think that MAGIO might be a misprint. Possibly it was supposed to be "MAGIC."

Let's Read??? That is strange...

There's really a very simple explanation to this that will clear up everything. The people who come up with those messages have decided to take up smoking crack. :)
LOL, it is supposed to be MAGIC:

I sent the following email to Necco just to see what they say:

I received some conversation hearts from a collegue of mine. And as normal, we started reading the sayings for fun. We came across one that said MAGIO which we didn't understand. So, after some research we found out that new this year is MAGIC. So, we were wondering if MAGIO was just a misprint since there is no mistaking it as an O? Are they all like that or is there one special one (the one sitting on my desk) that entitles the possessor to a billion dollars? Maybe like a golden ticket in the Willy Wonka movie. Any ideas?

PS: I included my address where you can send the billion dollars. :)

I will let you guys know what they say. Heck, if they send me the billion dollars I will email you all personally from my mansion or my personal leerjet. :D
Hey, Phil, I have one little bit of advice for you.


:D :D :D

LOL, not a chance. I just called the Brinks company to see if they can put together a vault for the priceless conversation heart. They are sending over a burley XXXL guard. :)
"IM Me" = "Instant Message Me" old classic catching up with modern technology!
A COW ! that would keep HIM from eating it, but people without mooaphobia could snatch his prize! I bet its just a misprint.... I got an M&M that said "n" instead of "m" a few times.... Read todays foxtrot! Its funny!

Dont eat it, its bad for you! Too much shugar could make you have a seizure if a cow is within a 100 mile radius!:p We will never forget the cow thread... Or at least I wont! :D ;) :kill: HEEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I am REALLY hoping that was a joke..... If it wasnt, I calling a doctor!
you guys are lucky to get letters in yer m&ms, all I ever get are "3"s!!

back to the candy hearts, I am surprised they don't come in Instant Message & 'leetspeek styles


13375p33k: IOWN$U H4XX0R3D K155M3 170v3TRF
Originally posted by PGerringer
I just called the Brinks company to see if they can put together a vault for the priceless conversation heart. They are sending over a burley XXXL guard. :)

You better get well stocked with coffee and donuts so the guard will leave your candy alone
OK, everyone, let's keep this "MAGIO" heart in perspective. Just remember that Phil isn't known for his literacy skills.... :D

/ducks and runs like crazy
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Thats mean!!!!!!:p LOL. You better duck and run like crazy!;)
Originally posted by cls
back to the candy hearts, I am surprised they don't come in Instant Message & 'leetspeek styles


13375p33k: IOWN$U H4XX0R3D K155M3 170v3TRF

Or they could just put the abbreviation for Valentines Day on them! I wonder if that will help sales?

Bruce S. Levison, NAR #69055
I will see some candy hearts tomorrow and email necco with requests for billion-dollar entitlement... lol
Neil, IM-speak is "instant messager", like what people use on AIM/GAIM/etc. online chat. but more used on text messaging on phones, which is very popular in places outside of the US. in that case you're limited in typing ability so "see you later" becomes CUL8R. HTH - hope that helps!

it must be cool - recently I have seen a number of newspaper articles, explaining the abbreviations, quotes from stern teachers denigrating their "illiterate students", how this makes for the demise of society, etc.
Dude, watch out for ants and roaches! Those little bastards will run away with your candy!

Hmm....this sounds like the kind of topic that would make for great internet chain mail. :D Heck, if you're not going to get billions for this, why not be famous for starting an internet rumor? LOL!
Originally posted by KermieD
OK, everyone, let's keep this "MAGIO" heart in perspective. Just remember that Phil isn't known for his literacy skills.... :D

/ducks and runs like crazy

/throws bag of conversation hearts at Kermie's head.

I know where you live! :)
Those little hearts are good for two things. Rotting your teeth, and almost breaking your teeth. Either way, the dentist gets paid. :)
Originally posted by PGerringer
/throws bag of conversation hearts at Kermie's head.

I know where you live! :)

/MAGIOally disappears just before conversation hearts hit his head :D
Originally posted by KermieD
/MAGIOally disappears just before conversation hearts hit his head :D

Ahaaaaa, these are MAGIO hearts and they chase him into the ether. :eek:
OK guys, here is the reply. I guess I'm just a poor schmo again. :(

Dear Mr. Gerringer:

Thank you for your interest in our product. You are right, the MAGIO is just a misprint, sorry no Billion dollars. I wish I could say it was like a golden ticket, but you know how it goes. Have a great day and thank you for kind email.


Customer Service

BTW: The MAGIO heart was the best one in the bunch. -burp-
LOL so they didnt send you any free samples to make up for the misprint?
