AMW Red Rhinos...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Dear Gentlemen,

are there any pics available of the recently certified Animal Motor Works Red Rhino reloads (in flight)? Never seen any...
That is one awesome looking burn...that would look real sweet exiting from a B,ackhawk R&D 5.5" AGM-78 Standard ARM :cool:

I was also sent a link today of the "N" Blue Baboon that nearly went flying off of the stand on the same day that the Red Rhino was tested that you posted. I will try to find it...
Sorry the best I have is a frame grab from the onboard video, this was on a J400 RR, just as the motor came up to pressure.

jrogers sent me a large image of the J400RR (1050 case) as well; hope he doesn't mind if I cropped it to reduce file size and attached it here... (BTW, is that a Big Nuke?)

I wanted to compare the Rhinos with the Redlines and it seems to me that the Rhinos produce less smoke than the AT reloads showing a little brighter red flame (the M is gorgeous!!!).
Kinda resembles the "Polish Rojo" preopellant used by Team Aurora at last years LDRS, and also seen on the Rocket Challenge which aired on The Discovery channel last November.

Low smoke...low metal content I would imagine. The Red was not very intense, allthough that may be attributed to video resolution too.

The metal content is what makes the Aerotech Redline so vibrant!! Still, what a motor.
Originally posted by g_boxwood
jrogers sent me a large image of the J400RR (1050 case) as well; hope he doesn't mind if I cropped it to reduce file size and attached it here... (BTW, is that a Big Nuke?)

I wanted to compare the Rhinos with the Redlines and it seems to me that the Rhinos produce less smoke than the AT reloads showing a little brighter red flame (the M is gorgeous!!!).

Yes, that is my 5.5" Nuke, I used it fo my level 2 two years ago, I had to rebuild it due to a lawndarting. It is now been streched out for dual deployment. Flies great on 54/1050 AMW motors ( gonna push it with a 54/1400 anb maybe a 54/1750 at LDRS

Heres a shot of a AMW Red Rhino in a Smoking Rockets Chubsy..

LDRS 23 Hosts
nice pic, the RR looks dimmer than ATs motor, but i havent seen one in person.
It is impossibly to tell flame color in photographs of these motors. They are so bright and vivid, that's it's nearly impossible to photograph accurately. You have to remember, motor flames are a light source, and a very bright one at that! Everything else in the photo is a reflected source, so the flames are overexposed, which tends to 'wash out' the color in photos.

I look forward to seeing a Red Rhino in person!
Originally posted by jrogers
Longer burn, less smoke

What size was that AL?



You know I don't remember. A K or an L ; but which I'm not sure.

Personally, I do not remember whitnessing a Red Rhino (although I am sure I saw a bunch at LDRS 22). I have seen and flown plenty of Redlines, but alas, I am partially colorblind (arrgghh.....) and cannot see the red as well as others seem to see it. From my personal experience, the Redlines look very much like blue thunder motors with a TINY bit of red instead of blue. Are the redlines ultra red to the rest of you? Or is it more of a very light red, and is there a very noticable difference between the AMW and AT red loads?
I dont think there were red rhinos last year at LDRS, except maybe on EX days because they werent certed then. i could be wrong.

Redline is extremly bright for me
Redlines are a Very bright vibrant RED , and smokey, and seem to burn as fast as Blue Thunder to me...