AM/EX rocketeers

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
I have posted this before, but I will repost;

these are chat forums that support HPR, TRA, NAR, and for those that have a hard time finding a forum that supports AM/EX without hitting the rec.pyrotechnics list, they have a nice EX forum as well.....

no, it will never ever replace the TRF, but we can talk Experimental there :cool:

come on over and start a thread, and answer some of the threads already there...I would like very much for this forum to thrive, but the forums need your support :) rocketry needs everyones support.
I too will put in a plug for their AM/EX forum as I occasionally visit there. However, I will also put in a word of warning to anyone reading those threads. The information there is only as good as the level of confidence you have in the poster! If I have to read one more thread from some kid wanting to use Oxi-Clean or Pool Shock as a cheap oxidizer for "Bargain Rocketry", I think I'm gonna scream! There is no substitute for finding a mentor to help you "learn the ropes" with EX rocketry.

I would not even trust my posts...I merely post there of what I am working on or updates of what I have worked on. Like Mark says, find a mentor. Read from many sources, and learn, but trust only in what you have learned, not what you have read :confused: Trust me it will make sense...thanks Mark