Found this on the aeropack web site - short answer is yes
24L = Apogee & Estes paper
24L2 = AeroTech & LOC/Precision paper
24P = Performance Rocketry Fiberglass
29L = Apogee, LOC/Precision and Madcow paper
29L2 = AeroTech paper
29L3 = Madcow fiberglass, Performance Rocketry and Wildman "Thin-Wall" fiberglass
29P = Blue Tube, PML and GLR phenolic, Hawk Mt and Performance Rocketry fiberglass
38L = Blue Tube and LOC/Precision paper
38L2 = Wildman "Thin-Wall" fiberglass
38P = Madcow paper, PML and GLR phenolic, Hawk Mt, Performance Rocketry and Madcow fiberglass
54L = Blue Tube, LOC/Precision and Madcow paper
54P = PML and GLR phenolic, Hawk Mt and Performance Rocketry fiberglass
75L = LOC/Precision “Heavy-Wall” paper
75P = Blue Tube, PML and GLR phenolic, Hawk Mt and Performance Rocketry fiberglass