An L3 attempt is never a solo event and I have many people to thank for this amazing adventure. Here is a list of some of the many who made this dream come true for me.
My wife - for her patience, tolerance and support. You are a saint!
My daughter and sister - your help and support with the driving, camping and rocketry was incredible and I had such a great time because of it. I am so happy that you were there with me to share the happy moments and crazy adventures.
Rick Comshaw @cbrarick - I can't say enough how much I appreciated your guidance, help, support and friendship! You're da man!
LDRS Planners, Organizers, Donors, and Volunteers - It was definitely NOT easy and the weather made things very difficult, but all of you helped to make it an amazing event for me and so many others!
Andy Cook - Thanks for all your help with my lengthy L3 questions... both back in 2015 and 9 years later! Your experience, honest opinions and great feedback really contributed greatly to the rocket's success!
Teddy @Onebadhawk - If you were a presidential candidate right now, you'd win for sure. I think anyone who knows you would agree (actually, probably even those who don't lol).
Mike T @Rcktmike & Brian B. - your help, feedback and advice all through this project was fantastic and
super appreciated.
Jon Walcott, John Banks, Fred Taverni & Gary Tortora - You guys are an
amazing source of knowledge and us L3 attempters really appreciated all the help! I'm sure there was precious rocket flying time given up to help us as witnesses.
TRF'ers - Thank you for your support, opinions, interest and patience in reading through all of this!