2021 Eggtimer Rocketry Holiday Sale

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Owner, Eggtimer Rocketry
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Feb 3, 2012
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It's the time of the year again for that most cherished of all holiday traditions… the annual Eggtimer Rocketry Holiday Sale. Since we like sleeping in and aren’t too keen on getting up at 4:00 am to get in on some “quantities limited” sale that is essentially over by 4:05 am, our sale is going to run from Saturday Nov. 13th through Monday Nov. 29th. That’s 17 whole shopping days to drain your annual rocketry budget!

This Year's Special Deal:

Voice Telemetry upgrade for your Eggtimer Quark/ION/Quantum/Proton Altimeter
Eggtimer Telemetry Module + LCD Receiver w/antenna + Eggtimer Voice Module
Reg. $95, sale price $75 (ONE combo per customer at this price!)(Add $10 for 70 cm Ham)

Eggfinder TX GPS Transmitter, reg. $70, sale price $50 **
Eggfinder Mini GPS Transmitter, reg. $75, sale price $50 **
Eggtimer TRS GPS/altimeter (900 MHz), reg. $90, sale price $70 **
Eggtimer TRS GPS/altimeter (70 cm Ham w/external antenna), reg. $100, sale price $80 **
Eggfinder LCD receiver w/antenna, w/o case (900 MHz), reg. $55, sale price $50
Eggfinder LCD receiver w/antenna, w/o case (70 cm Ham), reg. $55, sale price $50
Eggfinder LCD-GPS Module, reg. $40, sale price $30 **
*** NEW! *** Eggtimer Voice Module, reg. $20, sale price $16
Eggfinder RX “dongle” receiver (specify USB or Bluetooth), 900 MHz, reg. $25, sale price $20
Eggfinder RX “dongle” receiver (specify USB or Bluetooth), 70cm w/ext. antenna, reg. $35, sale price $30

Eggtimer Apogee deployment controller, reg. $15, sale price $12
Eggtimer Quark deployment controller, reg. $20, sale price $15 ***
Eggtimer ION Flight Datalogger, reg. $20, sale price $16
Eggtimer Classic Flight Computer, reg. $35, sale price $28 (Qty limited to stock on hand)
Eggtimer Quantum WiFi-enabled flight computer, reg. $40, sale price $30
Eggtimer Proton WiFi-enabled 6-output flight computer, reg. $70, sale price $50 ***
Eggtimer Telemetry Module (900 MHz), reg. $20, sale price $16
Eggtimer Telemetry Module (70cm Ham w/external antenna), reg. $30, sale price $26
Eggtimer WiFi Switch, reg. $20, sale price $16
Eggtimer Mini Switch, reg. $15, sale price $12

** Est. in-stock date is Dec. 1st
*** Please note that Quarks and Protons will be delayed until at least January due to parts supply issues… we will ship them separately from the rest of your order when they are available.

…And don’t forget the accessories…
USB-Serial interface cable (you’ll NEED one if you don’t have one…), $5
900 MHz external antenna/connector for TX/TRS transmitters, $12
900 MHz external antenna for RX/LCD receivers, $12
Case/hardware/battery box package for Eggfinder LCD receiver, $10
Case/hardware/battery box package for Eggfinder RX receiver, $8
Terminal block set for TRS/WiFi Switch, $3
OpenLog datalogger for TX/TRS, $12
BT06 Bluetooth module w/cable (for Eggfinder LCD receiver), $6

We have plenty of inventory on almost everything except as noted, but due to the nature and the volume involved in this sale it is highly possible (if not likely...) that we might run out of something. If we do, we'll let you know, and get busy making more of them. Nobody's going away empty-handed... you just might have to wait a few weeks if we run out. If you're giving something as a gift, be sure to let us know, and order early... our email is [email protected]

And as always, thanks for your continued support!

Cris Erving
Eggtimer Rocketry
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Like Thanksgiving leftovers, the Eggtimer Rocketry Holiday Sale seems to go on forever, but it's really ending today. Get your order emailed to us by 11:59 pm PST to get awesome savings (without the "Turkey again???" blues).
Thanks to all of our loyal customers for making this our biggest Holiday Sale ever! We've shipped out just about everything we can right now, we're still waiting for the elusive GPS modules but indications are that they're on the way or nearly so. For those of you who ordered Quarks or Protons, you'll see an invoice for them when we get a shipping advisory on the driver chips, current eta is mid-January. And once again, thanks for your continued support!
THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT OF THIS HOBBY. The way you market these kits, opens electronic Altimeters and GPS systems up to a lot of people who may not use them otherwise.

I did send you an email for a few items yesterday evening. Are you still catching up on invoices? or did it fall thru cracks somewhere?
I just got notice that the elusive GPS modules have been shipped from out distributor, once I get them I'll get the elves in the kitting and shipping departments working overtime to get your orders out. Note that some orders with 70cm products may be delayed... we sold a lot more 70cm stuff than we had anticipated, and the RF modules are on backorder (we should probably have them around the new year).

As always, thanks for your continued support!
Cris Erving, Eggtimer Rocketry
It's great they'll get here sooner than I expected. Now I can give them to my wife so she can put them in my stocking. I'm really looking forward to firing up the soldering iron and assembling some Quarks.

Thanks again for the sale,

To y
An update: All of the Holiday Sale orders have gone out EXCEPT about a dozen orders with 70cm GPS or telemetry stuff on them. We sold about twice as much 70cm stuff as we expected, and when we went to order more RF modules we found out that they are factory backordered until mid-January. We have all of the other parts on hand (including GPS modules), so as soon as we get them we'll make up the missing kits and get these shipped out. Thanks again for your patience, and for your support!
Received a Quark today. Last item from my order. Thanks Cris, for great kits and great service. 👍
Basket of eggs.
Anybody with 70cm orders pending, I just spoke with our Hope RF distributor and they said that they won't have any 70cm modules to ship until April 2022. I'll be reaching out to each one of you individually to see if you want to wait or go to the 900 MHz versions (which I do have). I apologize for this... as you know, component supply has been a struggle lately.
Anybody with 70cm…

How confident are they in the April availability? Relative to the mid Jan estimate from end of November?

At the moment I am leaning towards waiting, but if there’s a good chance that can gets kicked further down the road…. Stupid pandemic geopolitical supply chain issues ruining my fun time.
The issue is the RF chip that's used in the modules, so it affects all versions of the module, not just the 70cm's. I just loaded up on the 900 MHz modules because that's the only one that the distributor has in stock... and I basically cleaned them out on those today once I found out.