Hi everyone,
I’m Bhadrinathan, an undergrad at NIT Trichy, India. Our new rocketry club is excited to participate in international competitions like the Spaceport America Cup, and we’re currently focused on building rockets to reach 10,000 feet and beyond, including a Level 3 (L3) project.
Hi everyone,
I'm Bhadrinathan, an undergrad student at the National Institute of Technology, Trichy (NIT Trichy), India, and I’m excited to announce that we are forming a new rocketry club. NIT Trichy is one of the premier engineering institutes in India, known for its rigorous academic...
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and eager to learn more about a wide range of topics. My background is in Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI), but lately, I've been researching the world of composite materials. It's been fascinating to explore how NDI techniques can contribute to ensuring the...
Hi all, my name is Timothy Murphy and I'm on The University of Alabama's Spaceport America Cup Competition team. For our competition, we need a Flyer of Record who has a Tripoli Level 3 certification. Our current Flyer of Record recently let us know that he is unable to come to our competition...