Hello to all of you
I would like to use a 29mm motor, so I can use my Cesaroni motor.
and I wish the rocket to also have a payload bay to I can fly altimeter and other electronics.
I already got an Aerotech Initiator.
NYPower26 is fast approaching. Held every year during Memorial Day weekend, this year it's May 25-27. What is NYPower?
It's a Rocketry Festival featuring low power, mid power, high power & night launches with an 8,000ft waiver.
Fun for all ages and skill levels. Spectators are always welcome and...
After I posted photographs of my Mega Der Dredt Viper kit bash on the “What did you do rocket wise today?” thread, RobertH3 asked me to create a build thread because other Max fans may want to build it. Although I have never done a build thread, and did not intend to do so for this build, here...
I bought this kit a few years ago for a rainy day. Since it's raining virus and I have spare time, it's time to build this one.
My favorite rockets have always been futuristic looking ones!
Hi all, back again with another(probably dumb) question. I've been designing my next rocket in OpenRocket, which flies on an Estes F15-8. The apoapsis in the simulation is 454 meters, and I was wondering if this was an average apoapsis for this kind of motor, or if I just did something wrong(I...
Custom Dragon and Flames Rocket great way to just jump into Mid Power you will want to use Aerotech F67's to launch this rocket. I've launched these rockets and the are loud and fast. Perfect recovery. Heavy wall motor mount tube, heavy wall centering rings, Plywood fins. Prebuilt Rocket not a...
29 mm model rockets
29mm motor mount tube
hobby rocketsmidpowerrockets
model rocket
model rocket kits
model rocketry
model rockets
rocket kit
rocketry works
So I built a Mid powered rocket, an dit looks like it's going to fly really well. (I have yet to fly) I had some extra tube, and so I built a replica of the same rocket, but with tube fins. I hope to just be able to swap the nosecone out and fly them both on the same day. I did not know how...
Is it a bad idea to design a minimum diameter F-class rocket? My concern is the structural integrity of the rocket. I intend on 3D printing (PLA) it with a wall thickness of about 2-3mm. Does anyone have any experience with 3D printing minimum diameter mid-power rockets?