Mad Cow Super DX 3 Build

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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Alrighty! So here's some photos of my almost-finished Super DX 3. I'll be doing some last minute filling on some of the grains in the fins as I have vinyl wraps for all of them.

Some build notes:

- I left the aft centering ring off and applied double wood glue joints to where the fins attach to the MMT and to the air frame. The fins were epoxied on. Because of the vinyl decals, I didn't bevel the fins nor apply external fillets on them.

- I mounted the MMT after an extra 1.5" to allow for the Aeropack tail cone retainer. I had never saw this style of retainer on this bird before, so I wanted a slightly different look.

- I used Duplicolor Sandable Primer and laid a couple of coats down with it. It wasn't really giving me the coverage I wanted, so I hit it with 3 more coats of the Perfect Match Filler Primer. Then I hit it with Duplicolor Brilliant Black Pearl paint. I am really happy with the paint job.

- The upper airframe has 5/16" holes drilled and through the NC. It is secured with well nuts and 8-32 machine screws.

A lot of these things I had posted in other threads, so this is just a quick summary :)

Photo 1 - the bird resting on the floor while I clear the table to do some work.

Photo 2 - my son Mason in shock and awe at the sheer size of said rocket :)

Photo 3 - the vinyl awaits!

Photo 4 - a front to back view (I suck at taking pictures so I apologize in advance)

Photo 5 - the bird doing a quick check without motor or chute/Nomex. I am hoping to keep this thing as light as possible.

I'll post some more pictures after we get the vinyl on, and I'll do another weigh-in.





IMG_0552.jpg looking rocket ,very nice.

I also find babies add scale to big rockets ,good idea ;)

I suppose the vinyl can`t be far off ?

Paul t
Well here's a final picture for today. We have three of the fins done, the other three and the main decal will be done tomorrow morning, or whenever the wee baby doesn't require our attention. :) It's coming together!

Some final pictures!


that is bada**!

What was the final weight with the vinyl on, or did you already post that somewhere?
Thanks guys! That's all stickershock and Duplicolor :)

The final weight was 1550g, so without motor she's already a hair too heavy. I'm hoping this will be my successful L1 cert this fall, but who knows till she flies!
Great looking rocket,I've had my eye on the smaller version DX 3 Madcow offers.They have great kits.I flew my Momba for the first time Saturday.Also have the Batray and Goblin.Decals also by Stickerschock.

momba picture,2.jpg
She`s a beauty buddy ! Did you get the vinyl custom made by mark ?

Oh ,I think it`ll fly just fine ,you`ll see ;)

Did you use the tailcone retainer on it ,I can`t tell.

Paul T
Yeah it was a custom job by Mark, so a few iterations back and forth between us and that's what came out. He did such a great job. I did use the tailcone retainer, and I am actually happy with how it came out.
OK Justin ,I noticed the tail cone retainer ,and it looks really good on the rocket !

Now for the big launch ;)

Paul T
Great looking rocket,I've had my eye on the smaller version DX 3 Madcow offers.They have great kits.I flew my Momba for the first time Saturday.Also have the Batray and Goblin.Decals also by Stickerschock.

Ah your Momba is a beauty! Do you have any liftoff pics or video?

sodmeister: thanks man, I am hoping to do the written exams in the next couple of weeks and grab my nads and do the L1 this fall. Did you do your L1 and 2 in the same day?
Justin ,
Yes ,I did level 1,2 & 3 in the same day....don`t ask me how ,things were sure hectic.

My level 3 was on a MadCow PAC 3.

I found the 2 exams more nerve racking than the flights ,but scored 100 % on each.Not that bad at all really.

Good luck !

Ah your Momba is a beauty! Do you have any liftoff pics or video?

sodmeister: thanks man, I am hoping to do the written exams in the next couple of weeks and grab my nads and do the L1 this fall. Did you do your L1 and 2 in the same day?

Thanks,no pictures but will get some at our next launch on the 27th.Stickerschock has the best decals I've seen yet.:cheers:

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