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  1. R

    *** POSTPONED TO 25 AUGUST *** MMMSC 18 August 2018 Scheduled Launch - Berwick, ME

    Hey folks, great launch yesterday! I lost a 4' 38mm black rocket with an orange and black parachute about 350 feet in the woods to the left off the access road to the field. I know the exact gps coords of the landing (they didn't change over the course of an hour and I was getting a steady...
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    *** POSTPONED TO 25 AUGUST *** MMMSC 18 August 2018 Scheduled Launch - Berwick, ME

    I'll be flying from the 1515 rail as well. An L995 to 4500 feet or so. Unfortunately I won't be at the field until 1030 or 11 due to childcare constraints, but looking like it'll be a great day! Safe to assume we will be launching from the near side by the trees again?
  3. R

    Small Bulge in rocket motor casing

    No need to tsk tsk... :-) I agree that replacing the case only is the fair thing (and that's what I emailed the vendor and asked for before I wrote anything on this thread), but there seemed to be some debate earlier in the thread about this so I was just curious.
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    Small Bulge in rocket motor casing

    That seems only fair. It hadn't occurred to me until I saw this thread that a new load would even be considered (I already emailed my vendor and asked about just getting a case replacement).
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    Small Bulge in rocket motor casing

    Well, I'm unfortunately a member of the bulged-54mm-6xl case club. I flew a K1440 this past weekend at MMMSC, and just noticed that my case has a substantial bulge. You can see at the junction of the liner and forward closure where the gas came through. As per the advice in this thread, I HAD...
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    L3 Certification Achieved!

    Congrats! What was your actual apigee altitude?
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    MMMSC/CMASS Joint Launch 07 July 2018 Launch in Berwick, Maine

    Congrats Eggplant! Here is a video I took of his L3 flight. Sorry for the vertical camera - I forgot I'd be uploading to youtube which forces a horizontal frame.
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    MMMSC/CMASS Joint Launch 07 July 2018 Launch in Berwick, Maine

    I'm tentatively in, if th weather looks good. If I come one of my flights will be a k from the 1515 rail.
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    MMMSC 23 June 2018 Launch, Berwick, Maine

    The club website and facebook page still say nothing about a cancellation. Kenn - can you confirm that the launch is definitely canceled? Or is it not for sure yet?
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    MMMSC 23 June 2018 Launch, Berwick, Maine

    Bummer... it looks to me like the rain won't be until early evening, and even then it isn't for sure. The cancellation is for sure?
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    Next-Gen Raven Development Thread

    Since you are changing the USB type already, how about USB c? Likely to be much more future proof
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    Rocket under or over rail

    I could have sworn there was an interesting discussion a while back about the differences between putting a rocket above or below the rail when the rail is angled, but I can no longer find it. So, I know it doesn't make a big difference, but I'm interested in hearing what reasons there might be...
  13. R

    MMMSC 23 June 2018 Launch, Berwick, Maine

    If the weather looks good I'll be there and will need the 1515 pad for a K flight to about 3k feet. I'll try and be there early enough to help set up, though I'm giving rides to some family members which constrains my timing a bit.
  14. R

    City apartment + Black Powder. Advice?

    Great catch! So the good news is, as you point out, the fire laws seem to allow storage of BP. The bad news is 1) Those same fire laws seem to require a permit for storing high power motors or reloadable motors of any size (see the second to last row of the table I linked to) 2) these are just...
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    City apartment + Black Powder. Advice?

    Huh, so the table labeled in the most recent regulations found here: Suggests you need a permit from the fire chief to store high power motors?
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    City apartment + Black Powder. Advice?

    I too live in a New England highly urban area and I'm in a condo. For my first year of hpr I didn't keep any bp myself and just bought it from amw (onsite vendor) each time at the mmmsc launches. That works just fine but it slows you down for sure. I eventually gave in and bought a black powder...
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    Cultivating a New High power launch location EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS

    This is not a large hobby. I think we should first start with whether any existing clubs would want to start using the field? Also, is there a reason not to be specific about the location in this thread and in the thread title?
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    CMASS 12 August 2017 Launch Relocated to NARA Park in Acton

    Very interesting! We shouldn't give up on the MMMSC field by any stretch of the imagination, but under what circumstances do folks think it would make sense for RIMRA or CMASS to take a hard look at taking on this field? I'm well aware that is a lot of work and everyone is volunteers, and it's...
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    CMASS 12 August 2017 Launch Relocated to NARA Park in Acton

    I wonder how much it costs to do a rough clearing of that much land? I assume way way way outside of the budget we could think about for a rocketry club? IIUC, the field is actually bigger than the MMMSC one, right? And holy cow the location would be phenomenal for me :-) Yeah.... I'm worried...