The "REAL GUN" that won the west

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Crazy Jim's Gone Banana's
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Savannah Ga
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I did not know that! that is absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing. I learn something new everyday in here.
Too bad they didn't have a buttload of CO2 cartridges. Would have made recharging the gun simpler. :eyeroll:
Pretty neat technology for it's time.

That is a REALLY cool air rifle, 150 years ahead of itself. I have BSA's, Weirauchs, etc etc and they are just .22 and .177, a .46 would be scarey!!

Still, when it comes to the zombie apoc, I can put my trust in my 1858 Rems', 1851 Colts, lead and 3F.
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The video reads like a firearms promo. It saddens me that we have to bank on violence to promote peace. It always has. It all boils down to, He who has the biggest / better gun, is the boss. It hasn't changed even to up to date. N Korea is trying to exercise it's capability, and the big guns are frowning. We all know why they are, but is it supposed to be this way?

There are guns and there will always be guns. There's no stopping that. I do not own a gun by choice even though I was raised to know one and understand it with respect. I was a pretty good shot in my day. Guns equal power. Nothing more.
The video reads like a firearms promo. It saddens me that we have to bank on violence to promote peace. It always has. It all boils down to, He who has the biggest / better gun, is the boss. It hasn't changed even to up to date. N Korea is trying to exercise it's capability, and the big guns are frowning. We all know why they are, but is it supposed to be this way?

There are guns and there will always be guns. There's no stopping that. I do not own a gun by choice even though I was raised to know one and understand it with respect. I was a pretty good shot in my day. Guns equal power. Nothing more.

Gary well spoken.
Guns are just a media for violence to play out. Sadly violence is natural to us. So you cant really succeed in stopping nature in my opinion. Our current social crissis is not violence, its the "selling of it" you can blame hollywood and games, but I blame the "headline shockers" more. you cant get away from the news.... I dont have to buy the game or go see the movie, thats easy, and i dont let my kids do it.... but every commercial has violence in the news.
Just growing up I was lucky... The violence I have seen was mostly non-deadly, (cept for the dude that was stabbed), the worst i wont post here, but the other i will. My father took me and my sister out bowling(i was 10). There was this happy birthday of 20somethings...drinking beer and partying next to us, my dad being aware, as us children weren't noticed a gang kept entering whatching this group and leaving. what followed was the worst mugging i have ever seen in my life. A gang of 10 people jumped this 5 to rob them as they left.

Guns equal the power for me as a father to not have my son see me beat with a pool que, or stabbed. (no my dad wasnt beaten but, i could see the helplessnes that he was concerned we would be next as they didnt apear to care the mob of bowlers were comming after them.)

You fight fire with fire....

by the way, some poeple still hut big game with large bore airarms.
There were about 32,000 deaths by firearms in 2010. 61% were suicides.
Wow never knew this...looks this rifle represents a fascinating piece of US History. It has always been apparent that President Jefferson chose the right leadership for this expedition.
There were about 32,000 deaths by firearms in 2010. 61% were suicides.

how many didnt involve guns? By that what percentage of suicides used guns?
in high school, 1 of my freinds was murdered by gun, 2 shot themselves, and 2 jumped off a highrise parking garage (toghether).

Social crisis.......