Help Wanted: LDRS-40 video project

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LPR/MPR sport flier with an eye to HPR and scale
TRF Supporter
Jul 29, 2021
Reaction score
Poway, CA
I was recently inspired with an idea: A video edited together, featuring footage shot over the duration of the LDRS launch event, that showcases the level of organization, the scale, the spectacle, and the excitement of a large rocket launch. Something I can show or send to somebody who takes an interest in my rocketry activities, something I can use to drum up some enthusiasm.

I was thinking that the video would be edited in time with overlaid music and run through the course of a 4-5 minute song. Something like this.

The pacing of the cuts would have things chug along more rapidly than the example, a good clip but not dizzyingly fast.

I’m somewhat limited with what I can record on the camera that’s built into my iPhone 11. I was hoping that the community would be willing to send me any video clips from the event that might be suitable. Flight line cameras, closeup cameras, onboard cameras, successes, failures, CATOs, flight prep, hookup, recovery, setup, tear down, check-in, safety meeting, anything that might tie into the objectives.

The finished video would be posted on TRF, of course, with credit and special thanks to each videographer. It’s just a question of whether I can get my hands on enough footage in addition to my own.
I was recently inspired with an idea: A video edited together, featuring footage shot over the duration of the LDRS launch event, that showcases the level of organization, the scale, the spectacle, and the excitement of a large rocket launch. Something I can show or send to somebody who takes an interest in my rocketry activities, something I can use to drum up some enthusiasm.

I was thinking that the video would be edited in time with overlaid music and run through the course of a 4-5 minute song. Something like this.

The pacing of the cuts would have things chug along more rapidly than the example, a good clip but not dizzyingly fast.

I’m somewhat limited with what I can record on the camera that’s built into my iPhone 11. I was hoping that the community would be willing to send me any video clips from the event that might be suitable. Flight line cameras, closeup cameras, onboard cameras, successes, failures, CATOs, flight prep, hookup, recovery, setup, tear down, check-in, safety meeting, anything that might tie into the objectives.

The finished video would be posted on TRF, of course, with credit and special thanks to each videographer. It’s just a question of whether I can get my hands on enough footage in addition to my own.

I think it's a sterling idea! A lot of work on your part, but there is gonna be a ton of special projects out there this year. I am almost embarrassed to fly anything 'out-of-the-box'. Maybe I can shred something for the crowd? JK.
I think it's a sterling idea! A lot of work on your part, but there is gonna be a ton of special projects out there this year. I am almost embarrassed to fly anything 'out-of-the-box'. Maybe I can shred something for the crowd? JK.
Hey, I’m not picky!

But I’m also trying to be considerate of other fliers, so while I would love featuring a shred or something equally spectacular (like flames spewing out of a busted forward closure), I won’t ask for one just for the camera. We’ll likely get a number of spontaneous ones anyway, I’ve just got my fingers crossed that a few of those poor souls will be gracious enough to allow them in the video.

Would you be alright getting a follow-up DM after the event to ask what kind of footage you’ve got?
I usually get some good footage as well. I can send you all the videos I take if you want. I may try to get some slow-mo pad shots, but not guaranteed.
Shane, not really camera friendly. I'll have my granddaughter out, so I'll likely be distracted. It's her first launch. See Paul from SDTRA. The upscale Trident is coming out on an M1500, conditions permitting. Hope to meet you there.
Shane, not really camera friendly. I'll have my granddaughter out, so I'll likely be distracted. It's her first launch. See Paul from SDTRA. The upscale Trident is coming out on an M1500, conditions permitting. Hope to meet you there.
Sounds good.

I’ll likely have a “look for this” thread up in the next few weeks for TRFers who would like to drop into my campsite.
Shane, a good bet is always Val. Catch up with him as he always has bizarre upscales. He's working on a monster right now for LDRS. Make sure you make it over for Bryce's 'sticker rocket' to be decorated on site. Dont forget to give the ROC crew some mad props! They stepped up when Oregon went south. Tell the ROC prez 'fudrucker' that fyrwrxz says hi and all is forgiven. Maybe he'll tell you the story about Vegas Tripoli. I'll shut the hell up now, you got your hands full!
Shane, a good bet is always Val. Catch up with him as he always has bizarre upscales. He's working on a monster right now for LDRS. Make sure you make it over for Bryce's 'sticker rocket' to be decorated on site. Dont forget to give the ROC crew some mad props! They stepped up when Oregon went south. Tell the ROC prez 'fudrucker' that fyrwrxz says hi and all is forgiven. Maybe he'll tell you the story about Vegas Tripoli. I'll shut the hell up now, you got your hands full!
Nah, I’ve got four days to accomplish this, and I’m not worried about getting it all. Even doing half of the items on the list is sure to connect me with some awesome people. I was impressed with ROCstock in November, I guess you can say they’re ROC-solid!

As far as I’m concerned, they also stepped up for Tripoli San Diego’s launch site woes. Much of my flying would not have been possible without them providing that higher ceiling.
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That's actually an M2500T that the Trident will fly on, assuming the weather cooperates. See the July/August issue of Sport Rocketry for details on the rocket.