Pet Peeves

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
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There are plenty of pet peeves lists but I haven’t seen this one.

This is happening all too often these days, so it has made it to the top of my pet peeves list.

You’re sitting at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you doesn’t move. If the driver is tall enough, you can sometimes see that they are looking downward – AT THEIR PHONE! No doubt, texting away. I lay on the horn, my wife gets upset with me making it even more disturbing. Am I wrong?
People who park in the handicapped spot and then run into the store, and they have no placard, and they have no wheelchair license plate.
Recently at our local market there was a lifted and completely off-roaded F250 in the handicap space, no disabled plate. I don't think my 4'9" wife could have gotten in and out of that thing, much less anyone with a real need for the placard.
Mine is red light and stop sign runners. But the the number one problem where I liver is failure to yield. Pulling out in front of someone is rampant here. Have had numerous close calls. I've slid up behind cars, gone around them and I found out how fast my Explorer can stop. A guy came out of a road a lot of people turn right at. I was going straight. He pulled out and when he saw I was going straight and was going to T bone him he stopped across both lanes. I had maybe 50 feet to stop doing 55 mph. Was very impressed with the short stopping distance the Explorer had.
There are plenty of pet peeves lists but I haven’t seen this one.

This is happening all too often these days, so it has made it to the top of my pet peeves list.

You’re sitting at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you doesn’t move. If the driver is tall enough, you can sometimes see that they are looking downward – AT THEIR PHONE! No doubt, texting away. I lay on the horn, my wife gets upset with me making it even more disturbing. Am I wrong?
Hell no!!! My pet peeve is the same as yours, but when they are driving on the freeway. Here is something else I can't stand, well actually two things. You are at a red light and the car in front of is 2 car lengths from the crosswalk. Why??? Idiots. Another one is you are on the freeway in the fast lane or any lane really, and its rush hour traffic. the car in front of you is 20 car lengths behind the car in front of him. You are going nowhere because all the cars in front of him in the other lanes are moving over, yet you can't get over because all the lanes to your left and right are filled with cars. Oh and of course they are on their f'ing cell phone!!! People like that need to be tied to a large tree and beat senseless with a blunt object or a hammer.
Mine is red light and stop sign runners.
I'll add to that moped riders who barrel out of a driveway or parking lot at full speed without stopping and checking for cross traffic. Had to slam on the brakes for one idiot, he gave me four nice flat spots on my tire treads.
And a classic: Slow drivers in the fast lanes. Move over to the right Pops.
People on narrow country roads who drive down the middle of the road because there isn't a white line. Over crests. Around blind corners. Over local wildlife.

Our local road down the ridge is very narrow; each car has to get off the bitumen a bit. Nuh, Bozo just hangs onto the middle of the road 'cause he can.
There are plenty of pet peeves lists but I haven’t seen this one.

This is happening all too often these days, so it has made it to the top of my pet peeves list.

You’re sitting at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you doesn’t move. If the driver is tall enough, you can sometimes see that they are looking downward – AT THEIR PHONE! No doubt, texting away. I lay on the horn, my wife gets upset with me making it even more disturbing. Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong. We do the same thing.

We had a gal rear-end us the other day. We were stopped in a construction zone. I look in the rear view mirror and here she comes. She was looking down too. She then looked up at the last second, she hit the brakes... and then slammed right into us. She never did apologize, or admit she wasn't looking until the last second.
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Young adults who park in the handicap spot at the gym then run in…

I'll add to that moped riders who barrel out of a driveway or parking lot at full speed without stopping and checking for cross traffic. Had to slam on the brakes for one idiot, he gave me four nice flat spots on my tire treads.
And a classic: Slow drivers in the fast lanes. Move over to the right Pops.

There are plenty of pet peeves lists but I haven’t seen this one.

This is happening all too often these days, so it has made it to the top of my pet peeves list.

You’re sitting at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you doesn’t move. If the driver is tall enough, you can sometimes see that they are looking downward – AT THEIR PHONE! No doubt, texting away. I lay on the horn, my wife gets upset with me making it even more disturbing. Am I wrong?
Nope. It makes you want to do a citizens arrest....
Recently at our local market there was a lifted and completely off-roaded F250 in the handicap space, no disabled plate. I don't think my 4'9" wife could have gotten in and out of that thing, much less anyone with a real need for the placard.
Likely a Red, "My Freedoms....", anti-vaxxer that will catch covid and never park in a handicapped spot again. But then again, isn't someone that does this mentally handicapped to begin with?
There are plenty of pet peeves lists but I haven’t seen this one.

This is happening all too often these days, so it has made it to the top of my pet peeves list.

You’re sitting at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you doesn’t move. If the driver is tall enough, you can sometimes see that they are looking downward – AT THEIR PHONE! No doubt, texting away. I lay on the horn, my wife gets upset with me making it even more disturbing. Am I wrong?

The comedian Gallagher had the perfect solution for this many years ago. When one gets their drivers license they are issued a dart gun with a lifetime supply of rubber tipped darts that have a little pop-up that says "stupid". When the phone addicted driver in front of you sits at the green light you lean out the window and shoot one of the darts at his/her car. When the police see a someone driving around with about a dozen of these darts stuck to their car they pull them over and give them a ticket for being an a$$hole.