Mod Solar Flare for gap-staged A10-0T?

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Jun 5, 2010
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Indianapolis Metro Area
I've got a Solar Flare in my build queue which is designed for B6-0 boosters to mini engine sustainers.

With the availability of the A10-0T I was thinking to mod it a bit to use mini boosters. Any caveats or concerns?
Hello Marc,

I've flown just the sustainer on the A10, it doesn't boost it very high at all, couple of close calls. I think putting the booster on and hoping an A10T could lift itself, the booster, and full sustainer package is a scary proposition....

I still need to finish the booster!
Semroc sells a booster for their Centurion kit that uses A10-0T motors. The Centurion's specs are 2.1 oz. I just weighed the little booster and it comes in at 0.4 oz, so that's 2.5 oz total, plus motors and wadding. It stages about 10-15 ft off the ground, right there in front of you.

The Solar Flare specs shows a net of 3.2 oz. I'm guessing it won't fare too well, though I do love down and dirty staging and would be tempted to try it if I had a Solar Flare myself. :eek:
10-15 ft??? Well, that's a no brainer for my SS in July list, thanks for the heads up!!!

That sounds exciting!
10-15 ft??? Well, that's a no brainer for my SS in July list, thanks for the heads up!!!

That sounds exciting!
Probably closer to 25-30 ft, but it sure seems like it's right in front of you. :D I'll see if I have any pics that show some background to get a good idea.
Here's one with a quick and dirty gum-cam payload that I slapped on. That might push it up near the Solar Flare weight category. IIRC, it ejected right before it hit the tree. With the camera, it did stage about 10-15 ft off the ground. I knew I remembered it staging that low sometime or other.

Found the video. This is not in slow's just too heavy for the A10-0 to A8-3 combo. (Edit: I should say it is in slow motion...the flight was much shorter due to the weight and drag) It's hard to see the staging. Iginiton was at 8 seconds and it staged at 9. Look for a puff of smoke within a second of ignition. I don't think you want to go with the A10-0T booster.
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Hmmm. I had thought the solar flare was lighter than that 3 ounce figure. Maybe not the best candidate then.

Maybe I'll make a mini Commanchee or some such... call it the papoose.
Probably closer to 25-30 ft, but it sure seems like it's right in front of you. :D I'll see if I have any pics that show some background to get a good idea.

I added one of those to my Centurion too. I think you were right the first time. Mine staged at about the height of a 28' U-haul truck. I know that is less than 15'. Its nice for demos but was a bit unnerving the first time.

Hmmm. I had thought the solar flare was lighter than that 3 ounce figure. Maybe not the best candidate then.

Maybe I'll make a mini Commanchee or some such... call it the papoose.

Papoose haha, I love it!

Hmmm. I had thought the solar flare was lighter than that 3 ounce figure. Maybe not the best candidate then.

Maybe I'll make a mini Commanchee or some such... call it the papoose.

I love the name!

Here's an idea. Since the Comanche 3 had its bottom stage sized for a bigger diameter, why not try the Papoose 4! It's not like there's much chance of getting it back anyway and I'd love to see a 4 stager actually work!!
I love the name!

Here's an idea. Since the Comanche 3 had its bottom stage sized for a bigger diameter, why not try the Papoose 4! It's not like there's much chance of getting it back anyway and I'd love to see a 4 stager actually work!!

I have a 4 stage D powered rocket that flew very well. I lost one of the 3 boosters the last time I launched it at Bomber Field and its been sitting in the closet ever since.
I have a 4 stage D powered rocket that flew very well. I lost one of the 3 boosters the last time I launched it at Bomber Field and its been sitting in the closet ever since.

Rebuild and bring to next launch

Rebuild and bring to next launch


I can bring what I have but I don't know if I will have the time to build another booster before the next launch. That rocket was also built from a thickwalled wrapping paper tube and I need to check to see if I even have another piece of it. It is pretty close to BT-55 or 56 so I might be able to work something out, We'll see. Launching it maybe a different story, I need some D12-0s... Art might have the D12s... If I can find the time to do it I will just for you.

I still have a B helicopter to build, a C EL altitude rocket to build and a 1/2A RG to rebuild. I haven't even started on the 13mm piston. I've finished the 1/8A SD and the micro piston, the A altitude is also done. I still need to do alot of testing though.

I am determined to compete in every event. I just hope I can get it all done in one day. I don't think I can justify the expense of driving up two days in a row.
I note that the 1974 estes catalog lists the max liftoff weight for an a10 booster as 5 oz...:).
Papoose haha, I love it!

13mm Mini-manche-3's have been around for a good long time...
They like the standard commanche-3 REALY get up there on A10-0, A10-0, A3-6T combos;) Be sure you have PLENTY of extra sets of eyes on all the stages if you plan on having any chance of a second flight.

A10-0's are better boosters then many give them credit for. Not that I'd use one to boost a solar flare mind you but they are great little motors.
13mm Mini-manche-3's have been around for a good long time...
They like the standard commanche-3 REALY get up there on A10-0, A10-0, A3-6T combos;) Be sure you have PLENTY of extra sets of eyes on all the stages if you plan on having any chance of a second flight.

A10-0's are better boosters then many give them credit for. Not that I'd use one to boost a solar flare mind you but they are great little motors.
I've been making what I call "single-use boosters". I just glue fins directly onto the engine casing. The fins are usually heavy cardboard (not the corrugated type). Leave a little space at the top to be able to tape the engine to the next stage. I guess this is a (small) step above CHAD staging...
I've been making what I call "single-use boosters". I just glue fins directly onto the engine casing. The fins are usually heavy cardboard (not the corrugated type). Leave a little space at the top to be able to tape the engine to the next stage. I guess this is a (small) step above CHAD staging...

Well just so you aware and not to make a big deal out of it:

While Chad Staging and free falling empty motor casing is perfectly legal and within the Model Rocket Safety code, adding fins to motor casings is a violation of the safety code as you are using the motor in a manor other then that apporved by the manufacturer and adding foreign material to the motor. same as pouring epoxy in Booster motors to make them "Plugged". Local the NAR, Loacl clubs, NFPA and other agencies usually take a very dim view of such things.

If you flying on our own land the practice is up to you, any other flying of such altered motors would be unwise and not in the best interest of the hobby;) Building simple booster housing takes very little extra time or material and completely eliminate the potential headache.
Hope this helps.

240a2-sm_MM T4 SkyDart & T4 Booster_09-07-06.jpg

240b1-sm_MM BoosterStages13-6mm Staged MM Skydart_09-06-06.jpg
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