OJ case

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2009
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Whats your guys' take on the OJ Simpson issue? I find that he is a real jerk and is getting away with far too much.
He needs to be placed in Time out, and then given a hug.
I think that part of Mr. Simpsons bail conditions should be that he be at all times available for live interview on the inevitable next 734 episodes of Nancy Grace regarding this issue. That'll learn 'im.
My take is that I'm tired of hearing about it. It's not news, but rather tripe foisted upon us by the media companies.

Not to be a nag or anything, I just don't think this is the right place for this discussion. We are supposed to stay away from talking about politics and personal opinions. I think that this may just be a touchy subject and I don't want to see a fight between members here.
I was tempted to pull it right away, but thought I'd let it go and see. Not really politics or religion, so if things stay nice....

Of course it might not be nice if you're OJ. I guess it will have to go if he takes up this sport?

BTW, I agree with Kevin.
Oh... when I read OJ case, I thought it he had bought twenty-four bottles of Minute Maid.
:banghead: Better things to do than listen to Media hype nothing.
My take is that if the jury had done it's job the first time, this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have to hear about it any more.

His next best seller is due out anytime. "If I robbed them."

Chris, you have said exactly what I was thinking. All this garbage has finally caught up with him. I think the only reason he was innocent the first time was because he was a nationally known athlete, and how could an athlete kill someobody?
Chris, you have said exactly what I was thinking. All this garbage has finally caught up with him. I think the only reason he was innocent the first time was because he was a nationally known athlete, and how could an athlete kill someobody?

He was declared innocent of criminal charges because there was (apparently) reasonable doubt. However, he was found guilty in a civil case and ordered to pay Ron Goldman's family a hefty sum of cash. Allegedly he hasn't paid up that amount. Part of the issue with the memorabilia is that the Goldmans want it impounded and evaluated with an eye toward the sum O.J. owes them.
I dont care , I hate the fact everybody keeps talking about it. why do they keep talking about it:surprised:. no dont tell me, let it be let it go away :cry:
It's in the $35 million range.

I think OJ will get what he originally deserved and is coming to him this time around.