Galactic Derelict....

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Jan 27, 2009
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I haven't had much success getting people to try my disk wing designs, (Starship, Prometheus and Invader) although they fly beautifully and have much lighter wing loading and glide than you would think based on the diameter. I'm trying once again with a new version named after my favorite Sci Fi novel by Andre Norton, with a little back story. These are the onl R/C disk wing rocket glider. Very simple to assemble.

The Galactic Derelict was discovered by a deep space salvage vessel, ancient and abandoned, its origin and purpose remain a mystery. A unique design with a disk shaped wing and a sleek graceful tail. 36″ long, 2.6″ diameter, 19″ span, 10.85 oz ready to fly.

Well I just ordered my Galactic Derelict I like the story behind it and I like the out of the ordinary aircraft. So that being said I had to have one. Should be here in few days 😃 I watched the video that Frank has on his website it looked like it had some fantastic hang time and in boost it got up real quick I really liked that. Can’t wait to get mine in the air. I will put pic on here when I get it built and of course I will give you the down run on how she flys and what setting I used. Till next time “KEEP EM FLYING!!”
Frank, that is one nice flying RCRG! Better hang time than I would have guessed given that very low aspect ratio wing.
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I love it when guys like you show up at a launch I'm attending. Super cool rocket and awesome flying! I have never been good with RC airplanes and I don't have the patience to learn, but when someone brings a RC glider to a launch, I love to watch it fly.

Thanks for posting the results and kudos for the person who tracked it on video!

Correct an electric glider is a good place to start or a simulator to get your left and right understood so you don't get confused and then step up to something with ailerons and once you're comfortable with that then you can handle the rocket gliders.

So to operate this do people first learn how to fly an RC airplane??
Ok, now working on my Galactic Derelict. Takes no time at all to assemble.

The 64 dollar question is the colors and markings. While tempted to abandon the alien spacecraft theme and mark is as a USAF experimental saucer winged rocket fighter, I am sticking with the concept. I am thinking it really needs to be painted and not left white, which is simply too clean a color for a derelict….:) But, don’t want to make it too dark and dirty. Still need to see it at altitude.
I considered doing a USAF saucer type fighter but it really wants to be silver and I just haven't found a good silver paint on depron. I know why you hardly say I really hate to fully paint my models too cuz it adds unnecessary weight looking forward to what you come up with.

Ok, now working on my Galactic Derelict. Takes no time at all to assemble.

The 64 dollar question is the colors and markings. While tempted to abandon the alien spacecraft theme and mark is as a USAF experimental saucer winged rocket fighter, I am sticking with the concept. I am thinking it really needs to be painted and not left white, which is simply too clean a color for a derelict….:) But, don’t want to make it too dark and dirty. Still need to see it at altitude.
I think I am going to give it a light coat of some metallic color and then break out the airbrush to dirty it up, Or, airbrush the whole thing with acrylic latex house paint, which typically adds very little weight.

It may just have to be dark and dirty.
looks really shiny and new rather than ancient and abandoned, maybe it needs some blaster-fire scorch marks scattered about, maybe a couple of mismatched repair plates pilfered from another ship scrapped for parts to repair that big hole in the wing from an ancient battle. Those disc wing gliders are totally awesome, looks like one of those aerodynamic paradoxes, like a bumble bee or a hummingbird, we can't calculate the aerodynamics of how it flies, but it does!
The salvage company gave it a steam cleaning when they found it:) Coming up with a color scheme that isn't too expensive for stickershock to make and easy enough for anyone to be able to replicate it is always a tradeoff:) I would think some panel lines with airbrushing to show weather might be good too.... Tom, I think you could leave it white and then do some accents in silver with airbrush to simulate paint flaking or wearing, that way it looks worn but you don't have to fully paint it....just a thought.


looks really shiny and new rather than ancient and abandoned, maybe it needs some blaster-fire scorch marks scattered about. Those disc wing gliders are totally awesome, looks like one of those aerodynamic paradoxes, like a bumble bee or a hummingbird, we can't calculate the aerodynamics of how it flies, but it does!
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Will Rademacher was the first Beta tester to complete his Galactic Derelict, looking forward to his flight report. I see a few other of my kits in the background, an F-105, Jonny Quest Dragonfly III, a YF-12, Bomarc and an Avro Vulcan! He's also the kind soul who permits hosting my web site.

It depends, if I fully covered the wing in typical oracal it would add more than 1/2 ounce, which is what painting the whole thing will add, depends on what you want for glide versus looks. What is mylar weight for a 19" diameter disk top and bottom?

Would a Mylar wrap be to heavy for it?
Trim Monokote or regular Monokote or low temp Econokote is lighter than vinyl. Never tried low temp covering on Depron, though.

My GD is nearly built. I am still mulling over lightweight painting options. I want one that is not white…:) I keep thinking about metallic bronze or gold or copper, with lots of black airbrush shading. I know I will take a little weight hit, but airbrushing is lighter than spray cans.

I took a break yesterday and assembled most of my 2X Estes Sky Dart, but had to break away at midday and work on a couple of RC planes for a fly in this weekend near Houston.
Hello gents got back home finally to get a project done. I got my GD assembled last night so hopefully I can get it painted tonight and electronics in tomorrow night and flights on Thursday or Friday 🤞😃 I’ll send pics when done I’m doing a crazy paint job on it not sure how is going to turn out it definitely going to be unique and a first for me😜
I just finished the the Painting of GD it came out ok. I realized that I glued the wing upside down 🥴while I was painting hopefully it doesn’t affect the flight characteristics I’m going to install electronics in it after dinner and I thought I ordered the decals I forgot again. Still planning on flying tomorrow weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow😃. Here’s some pics of the paint job.F1D3B58A-C243-44C6-836B-A73031C3F96A.jpeg


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What color markings are you going with, I don't think the green would look as good with this color scheme, Mark can do whatever you want, maybe just black for the swooshes to match the lettering and cockpit..... Since you painted it the upside down wing(spar visible) isn't very obvious and won't matter for flight, but come on man:)

I used copper, brass, steel, light blue, light green,and rust just applied lite dusting coats so I wouldn’t add to much weight picture doesn’t do it justice and it’s overcast here today.View attachment 488730
LoL!! I know but I got home from a trip wanted to get it done I was tired but I have done this one before 🥴 anyway I just finished her im going to the field this afternoon and fly her just got the decals from StickerShock I went with the Forest Green Decals tell me what you think. Here’s some pics.A09661B4-CFDD-46F3-9BBA-84130AE13521.jpeg0E961B18-A4E9-45B6-A54A-C39E0E7C727A.jpegDE39677D-512F-4B60-9A43-C60A97CACB70.jpeg8E21A576-7C09-4EAC-9564-6C023117AFCF.jpeg
You know that's not half bad with that color green and kind of fits with copper and verdigris, I think it looks good like that good luck on the maiden.
Good Evening Gent’s
I just got back from the flying field. I had three great flights on my Galactic Derelict I was really impressed by the way it flew! First flight boost trim was too much had set at -20% dialed it down to -5% on boost perfect glide was also too much was 24% and dialed down to 10% perfect no trimming was required after first flight. Weather conditions were 70 blue skies wind at 11mph out of the SW. It has great hang time no bad tendencies it was a little touchy on boost on glide it is very smooth. Another great flying RG from Frank I give it a solid 👍👍👍👍👍spot landings not a problem 😃 1D3803CD-6A77-4708-AE55-C809468466FB.jpeg
Could maybe be one of my kits that needs actual dual rate, lower for boost, more for glide, I don't want to go more nose heavy on boost as I think it will impact the glide on this model....

it was a little touchy on boost on glide it is very smooth. Another great flying RG from Frank I give it a solid 👍👍👍👍👍spot landings not a problem 😃