EMRR's Caption Photo Contest - Redux

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
The new contest is underway... looking forward to your captions for the provided photo, but really the contest is about your own photos with captions!

See ya there: CLICK HERE

Is there supposed to be a way to submit a For Fun caption in the page, or do we have to mail it in?

Just hit the submit button..... opps. NOW hit the submit button!

LMAO!!!! Alan Tuskes "Sky Buster News" is the funniest thing I've seen
in awhile... :)

Somebody owes me a new keyboard and monitor.
Originally posted by brianc
LMAO!!!! Alan Tuskes "Sky Buster News" is the funniest thing I've seen
in awhile... :)

Somebody owes me a new keyboard and monitor.

I agree. Well done! I'm very glad that I wasn't drinking anything at the time...otherwise I'd be in the same boat as brianc. :eek:
I love the comment about the underoos for the "For Fun" entries.

Originally posted by lalligood
I agree. Well done! I'm very glad that I wasn't drinking anything at the time...otherwise I'd be in the same boat as brianc. :eek:

Good to know that it brightened someone's day. :D

Contest is over.

Results are in. CLICK HERE.

Thanks again to Nick for running another fun event. :D
Ditto. Thanks alot Nick.
Especially for accepting last minute entries. ;)


Prize selection is being done through the EMRR "Announcement List" group-mail which is on Yahoo.

If you submitted an entry but didn't get on the groupmail, go to the contest site and click on the "Announcement List" link to get registered.
Yeh, a big thanks for running the contest.....And soliciting all of the great prizes!
Originally posted by slim_t
So how are the prize selections coming along?


Tim - are you not on the announcement list? Since you didn't respond, I assumed not and that was one of the qualifying criteria's....

Please e-mail me so I know the status.

I just checked into it. I was on the list with my old hotmail account that I let expire. I forgot to update my email on this group, so I just now did that. If that disqualifies me, that's ok. No biggie, just let me know either way.


Originally posted by slim_t
I just checked into it. I was on the list with my old hotmail account that I let expire. I forgot to update my email on this group, so I just now did that. If that disqualifies me, that's ok. No biggie, just let me know either way.



Sounds like a temporary case of mistaken identity... your prize selection e-mail was just sent.
