bomarc clone

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
well I finally started back on the Estes Bomarc clone
I downloaded plans from the great Jim Z's site
this is a to scale kit#0657(not the glider) with an 18mm motor tube.the main body tube is an 18" bt-55
the nacelle body tubes are 6.5" bt-50
I took the plastic nacells from an estes sr71 that flew horizontal
and delaminated upon impact.I robbed a nosecone from an estes kit(cant remember who).
the nacelle pylons were drilled thru and the body tubes and nacelle tubes were also drilled thru to correspond with a 1/4" piece of dowel that travels between all 3 parts.
this guarentees that theres no way the nacelle tubes will break off easily

I still need to make the conduit that runs along the spine of the main body tube and the toothpick antennae are not made yet

so far its primered grey and I'm doing the american paint scheme
I'll be ordering decals in the next couple days
I'll be sure to post pictures as the final touches come together

I'm having trouble getting picture files small enough to post right here so I m posting the link to the pictures


It looks great so far.

What color and decals scheme will you use? The U.S. or Canadian forces insignias?

This missile (the Bomarc) is the reason the Canadian Government dropped the Avro Arrow. A great fighter plane capable of mach 2.0 in 1958.

When the Canadian gov't dropped the Avro Arrow, a lot of Aircraft engineers got laid off from Avro Aviation.

They all went to work for NASA to help the U.S space program.

So the Bomarc was indirectly responsable for helping the U.S. and NASA put a man on the moon.

A little bit of trivia.

Interesting personal note on the Bomarc missile. My nieghbor is retired and into model trains and I work and am into model rockets. He mentioned to me that when he was in the army he and a few others were given the job of sanding and painting the Bomarc missle before the were shipped off. I think that this would be concidered a full scale paint job. Its a small world.

James Pierson Manager
Rocketry Preservation Society
I've changed my mind and decided to go with the Canadian paint scheme. I bought a piece of rectangular stock to fabricate the conduit , rounded it by hand to get a more scale shape.

Now on to the antennae and paint,I should get my decals from Jim Z soon.Than I can post pre-flight pics

Heres a shot of the conduit installed
THAT looks super!

I get inspired every time I see a clone.

Outstanding job stymye!

When it comes to cloning, I'd have to say that cloning a Bomarc is pretty ambitious. You've certainly done a good job thus far.

I just wish I had more time to build, clone, etc. One small project usually takes me a couple of months to finish. :(
I'm finally finding a little time to build again,and I enjoy cloning more than anything,
Next up I have parts ,plans, and decals ordered for :
Estes Goblin
Estes Der Red Max
Estes Der Big Red Max
Estes Cherokee D
with lots of pictures to go along

and soon as Sandman has his plans posted for his awesome transglobal interceptor, I would like to do one of those, if just to get a higher skill level kit under my belt .

I have a feeling that some scratch building is the next logical step after that one.
I need some advice.
I'm having a little trouble finding the CP on the bomarc.
I may have to resort to the paper cut-out technique.
The bomarc is a marginally stable bird at best.I know this build will need a fair amount of nose weight.
any ideas ? is the cut-out technique accurate on an asymetrical kit like the bomarc? this thing is more like an airplane.
the finised weight right now(without motor) is 3.8oz.
I expect it to be closer to 4oz after final paint with recovery installed.
I used VCP and resolved the cp issue.
and sheson the razors edge of stability with a C6
right at 4 0z. with paint and no motor

4 new pics with paint done . she will be sporting the canadian colors
waiting on decals...

click on the" Bomarc" file ,of course..

I would just link you to the pictures but, the url would be 4 pages long!