MMX Conestoga-1620 EER Research Rocket (106.6667 Scale build)

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Micro Craftman/ClusterNut
TRF Supporter
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
EER company has been flying a variant of the Aries Called the Conestoga-1 since about 1981. In the mid 1990s they upped their game to what was named the Conestoga-1620. This configuration really caught my eye as it is a Stepped 4 stage rocket consisting of a core and 6 surrounding boosters and a larger diameter upper stage "star-48V" (Thanks mikec) 4th stage containing the satellite. In August 1995, EER launched this rocket from Wallops Island, VA.
Sadly the rocket didn't perform all that well and was destroyed in mid flight just after the 1st 3 boosters dropped off leaving the core and 3 boosters. It was quite a sight.

I found the Conestoga-1620 a fascinating subject so decided to model it but wasn't sure what size I wanted to try. after looking at a number of standard size multi motor combinations I thought. I wonder if I can do this as a 7 motor Micro Maxx cluster? At T-3 (.375") and BT-5 (.544") I came up with a workable scale that should be big enough to do what little detailing there is on the vehicle and small enough to stay within sight when launched on 7 motors LOL!!!

Conestoga-1620 is a finless design so some clear Polycarbonate fins will be required for the models flight.

I've had the Drawings done for over 4 years she's just been hanging around waiting for the spirit to move me to turn all those nosecones which I finally got around to the beginning of this month.
Most of the early parts work is done, I'm now considering how I want to configure the strap-on Booster & Core. "Do I want to try to drop 3 Boosters in flight or just leave everything together is a single unit?" Also looking at rolling the strapping attachment bands or using thin wall brass tubing for the thin bands....Minor scale detailing stuff.

Here are a few photos of the subject vehicle and the MMX model parts as they are today. Should be an interesting build and really KEWL flights if I can just decide what configuration I want to use.

MM 4xx-p01_Conestoga-1a-d_related to Aries_81.jpg

MM 4xx-p02_Conestoga-a01a_1620 by EER On Pad at Wallops_Aug 1995.jpg

MM 4xx-p02_Conestoga-a01b_1620 by EER On Pad at Wallops_Aug 1995.jpg

MM 4xx-uc01a_Conestoga 1620_106.6667 Scale T3-T5 Parts_05-10-14.jpg

MM 4xx-uc01b_Conestoga 1620_106.6667 Scale Core T3_05-10-14.jpg

MM 4xx-uc01c_Conestoga 1620_6- T3 Booster & Cones_05-10-14.jpg

MM 4xx-uc01d_Conestoga 1630_7- MMX Motor Mts & Nozzles_05-10-14.jpg

MM 4xx-uc01e_Conestoga 1620_7-Complete MMT's_05-10-14.jpg
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Very cool, John. I had read about the Conestoga I but had somehow missed the 1620. Hope I get to see her fly.
Short progress update:
Core and all six boosters are drying after the first 3coat primer operation. Looks to me like the main Nosecone may end up needing another application is it still looks kind of rough. most of the Body tube seams look like they should sand out with this 1st 3coat application. Sniff test tells me I have another day or so before I can really start sanding.
Looks like the 3 layer computer paper attachment bands are going to be great. Looking at a couple different methods for pinning as well as gluing the boosters to the Core without adding to many penetrations in the core body that could fowl the recovery system. May go with bamboo slivers or split dowel? looks like the "scale" attachment bolts will end up being either CA Soaked Thread draw plate styrene.
Side Tracked by another project below is a pic of the Conestoga-1620 parts in 1st coats primer, Contests, club gear and Harry-Home-Owner stuff has kept me from getting back to this model. but she's just sitting there waiting for another 3-coat primer application (Very deep Tube seams) before I can start sanding;)

MM 4xxuc04a_1st Coat Primer_06-04-14.jpg
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fantastic work! They look very majestic in that pose, almost cathedral like... Cant wait to see more! Have you decided on having boosters drop off or not yet? i think it would be awesome to see some of them fall off :)
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fantastic work! They look very majestic in that pose, almost cathedral like... Cant wait to see more! Have you decided on having boosters drop off or not yet? i think it would be awesome to see some of them fall off :)

working on sanding the primer. will take another coat or two as the body tube seems didn't fill as completely as I'd like.

Yes after discussing the possibility of dropping a few of the boosters in flight with some other folks I've decided against it as recovery even this individual streamer would make recovery very difficult and lose would render the model retired after that flight. We'll go with an all up 3, 5 or 7 motor option bringing everything back in one piece on a single 8" mylar chute. This option will also allow for some fine detailing of the connection bolts if I can draw some Styrene sprue thin enough.
I'd say one piece is the way to go. Looks like too much work to lose one or more boosters on every flight. 7 motors will really get that middle up there. That will be a sight to see!
yeah i suppose with a cluster of that many motors the chances of damage or loss to one of the pieces is greatly increased. It is easy for me to say "go for the cool factor" when i am not doing all the work :) But i would say if a 5-7 motor cluster isnt cool factor enough, than i'd be a monkeys uncle... Do you fly with NARHAMS? I seem to remember you saying so. Anyway if you do i hope to see this thing fly at one of the Mount Airy meets. Those are close enough for me to get to
keep up the good work!
yeah i suppose with a cluster of that many motors the chances of damage or loss to one of the pieces is greatly increased. It is easy for me to say "go for the cool factor" when i am not doing all the work :) But i would say if a 5-7 motor cluster isnt cool factor enough, than i'd be a monkeys uncle... Do you fly with NARHAMS? I seem to remember you saying so. Anyway if you do i hope to see this thing fly at one of the Mount Airy meets. Those are close enough for me to get to
keep up the good work!

Yeap: I've decided she's going to be a one piece returning model. This decision also allows for a bit more connection detailing as well.

Yes: Dick Stafford and I both are member of Narhams.
I'm the Clubs ROMCC (Range Operations & Maintenance Committee Chairman) and former Section advisor.
I'm the guy with the Blue & Silver Ford Econoline Van with Narhams logos on the windows. Generally we set up our EZ-Up to the right and next to the Range Head Check-in Table. I have a Back & knee problem that limits my walking distance:(
Drop by our Tent at the next launch, I usually have all but a hand-full of my micro models with me. That's the very nice thing about micor models:)

Wow! I am such a dummy!
Has anybody mentioned Narhams annual Pot-Luck Picnic/Micro Launch/ Club Meeting this Saturday July 5th 5:30 to 9:00pm. I realize you are in Pa but we have folks who come to every meeting from PA. in fact our current tresurer is from PA. If you can make it bring the kids the wife, and something you'd like the rest of us to munch on at the picnic we'll have Burgers, Hot dogs, Potato salad,Mac salad, Goodies and soda to share.
We'll be using my 6-pad micro rack launcher for fun flights the little bitty church grounds "field" might allow flying 1/4A 13mm models but not much more.
Come ON Down - WE'ed Love to have you all come.
Check the web site for directions and times. It looks like it's going to be a GREAT Weather Flying day.
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I would have loved to make it to that had the wife not already arranged a dinner tonight for us with her family. Thanks for the invite tho and i do look forward to the next club launch where i can check out some of those awesome micros!
build Up-date:
This weekend we got all 7 major parts sanded (240,360 & 600grit). Drilled the prime attachment pin holes in the 6 boosters and starter holes for the first alignment on the Core. Once those operations were complete got the first basecoat of Gloss White Krylon.

Over the next few days i'll check for dust, and other minor blips, take care of them if needed then begin the process of epoxy inserting Pins in the boosters then mark, match up and drill holes in the core bands. Before moving on to the next booster I'm hoping to add the "scale" booster attachement rods as seen on the prototype. doing them as the boosters are installed will likely be the only way to get to the very close recesses between the boosters and core vehicle. The Sixth "last" booster I fear is going to be a bear.

Once the major parts are permenently joined it will be time to size and re-size the clear Polycarbonate fins to stabilize this bird. This will also be the time of first "swing testing" adding nose weight if necessary for all three motor configurations 3, 5 & 7motor. I have yet to decide if I'll try to make different Nose Weight packages for the different cluster set-ups. I think this will really depend on the maximum amount needed to get a safe and stable flight from the 3 and 7 motor options.

Below are the latest photos

MM 404uc04b_Conestoga & Geo-Sat PrimedParts Sanded_07-12-14.jpg

MM 404uc04c_Conestoga parts Drilled for pins_07-12-14.JPG

MM 404uc05_Conestoga 7 parts basecoat White_07-12-14.jpg
Recently had some time to work on the Conestoga-1620. I'd been putting it off working on the model as I didn't feel like taking the time to mask off and hand paint the seperation rings before assembly.
Had the model parts sitting in the corner where I had to look at it everyday... it finally go to me enough to make a difference so got the bands painted and then drilled and installed .020" stainless connection pins then epoxied the boosters to the core today.
Later tonight or labor day I hope to have the clear Polycarbonate fins cut and epoxed. with any luck It should be ready for her first flight at the september sport launch.

MM 404uc06_6-Boosters Pin& Epoxy mounted_08-31-14.jpg
Recently had some time to work on the Conestoga-1620. I'd been putting it off working on the model as I didn't feel like taking the time to mask off and hand paint the seperation rings before assembly.
Had the model parts sitting in the corner where I had to look at it everyday... it finally go to me enough to make a difference so got the bands painted and then drilled and installed .020" stainless connection pins then epoxied the boosters to the core today.
Later tonight or labor day I hope to have the clear Polycarbonate fins cut and epoxed. with any luck It should be ready for her first flight at the september sport launch.

Great progress!
Friday was a great day to finish up the decals, add the streamer/wadding, Pledge with future the bird and most important for this little beasty Do a complete set of Swing tests with the various 3,4,5 & 7 motor combinations.
As it turns out increasing the fin size was good enough to allow all 4 motor combinations to have a positive Swing test without the need for any additional Nose weight. if she flies well this way i'll be very happy as the MAX lift off weight for this little model with 7 motors will be 27.4g. a little under an ounce (28.35g) Which should mean with all seven motors going this thing will teleport to a couple hundred feet in less then 3 seconds LOL! I'm sure the only why I'll catch any of its flight will be in video mode. We'll see.

MM 404uc01a2_Rolled Booster coupling_.JPG

MM 404uc01f_Cardstock Nozzle & adaptor_05-10-14.JPG

MM 404uc01g_Conestoga-1620 Waterslide Decals_05-10-14.JPG

MM 404uc07a_MM Conestoga-1620 clear Fins & decals_09-06-14.jpg
Final Completion Photo and Stats

as mentioned in the earlier post our scale conestoga-1620 has passed swing testing in all 4 Clustered 3,4,5,& 7 motor flight configurations.
First likely 4motor cluster flight is scheduled for Sept. 20th.

MM 404-a_Conestoga-1620 EER (106.6667)_09-06-14.jpg
Did the Conestoga fly? Any pics? Also did you use individual ignitors to light the clusters or a pvc spider? I use different pvc spiders for the majority of my large clusters.
Did the Conestoga fly? Any pics? Also did you use individual ignitors to light the clusters or a pvc spider? I use different pvc spiders for the majority of my large clusters.

Yes she flew but was just a tad unstable. a bit more nose weight will be added before the next 4motor cluster flight. No I don't use PVC Spiders for any cluster under 8 motors it's simplier and more reliable to use MY relay system and pyrogen coated igniters on 2 to 8 motor clusters micro or Standard size motors.

MM 404Lp01a_Conestoga-1620 1ST 3-Motor Flt_09-20-14.jpg

MM 404lp01b_Conestoga-1620 1st flt countdown_09-20-14.jpg
Last weekend Had an opportunity to launch the re-balanced Conestago-1620 as a full 7motor cluster. Was a very interesting set-up and launch.
Used my Range box Relay with two sets of 4 Red & Black micro clip leads (8 clip total). some might think that is a bit much but it again proves to make the difference between all motor ignition and not. Flight as expected being a short fat mulit motor model did a bit of weather cocking into the breeze but a really good flight anyway. as is almost always the way I got a couple on pad photos, and a very nice smoke trail missing the actual model liftoff DRAT! Will try try again. perhap on a 4 motor cluster i'll be able to catch it in flight.

Lp02c_Conestoga-1620_7motor Cluster relay connected_11-15-14.jpg

Lp02d_Conestoga-1620_7motor Cluster @ Ignition_11-15-14.jpg

Lp02e_Conestoga-1620_on Recovery all Up complete success_11-15-14.jpg