Buying Girl Scout cookies

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How do you buy Girl Scout cookies?

  • I prefer to buy directly from Girl Scouts

  • I usually buy from parents or friends of Girl Scouts

  • I never buy them

  • Other?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
So I bought some Girl Scout cookies yesterday; from real Girl Scouts, which is how I prefer to buy them. The cookies are way overpriced, but it help support a cause I like and it teaches the girls that they have to work for the money instead of just asking for donations.

It also teaches some math skills which was sorely lacking in the two I dealt with. The girls had a table outside the local grocery store with lot of boxes piled up on it. My wife and I bought two boxes at $4 each. I handed the girl with the cash box $20. She gave me $16 back. I looked at it and gave her one of the 5 dollar bills back and told her she gave me incorrect change. She was totally flustered. "Mom" was in a nearby car and yelled out the window that she needed to take the 5 and give me a 1. We got it sorted out in the end.

So do you have a preference on buying Girl Scout cookies?
Same. Those cookies are heaven (and MUCH cheaper than boy scout popcorn). :)
I have 3 nieces in Girl Scouts, but unfortunately, IMO, Girl Scout cookies suck, exemplified by the fact they do not offer a chocolate chip variety.

Uhmmmm... Hello??

You (GSA) want to sell cookies, right?

What is THE most popular variety of cookie offered by every single cookie maufacturer (confirmed by sales figures, anybody who has ever worked in a grocery or convenience store can confirm this in 0.003 seconds)??

Yes, Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Do YOU (GSA) offer Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Why ... um... No.


Supposedly the Girl Scouts are going to start offering a Gluten Free chocolate chip cookie as an 'optional' variety in another year or so. Whoopee for them but if they just hauled off and offered a good ole 'chips-ahoy' style regular CC cookie, their sales would probably boom 50% overnight.
Probably so they are $5 a box southern calif. I believe in supporting good cause, but I would like some value for my buck ya know?
I hear ya, but fund raisers aren't about value. I buy a few boxes from my daughter every year. When she's done, I'm done.
Over the course of the year I end up supporting enough other stuff involving my nieces/nephew a few boxes of cookies wouldn't make any difference.

My sister (their mom) doesn't like the cookies either and she fully endorses my unofficial boycott.
The Girl Scouts offer enough variety of cookie types that I don't think too many people miss having chocolate chip cookies. I like chocolate chip cookies from time to time, but I don't miss them from the Girl Scouts since they have so many varieties that are so good.
The "new math" leaves much to be desired.
People working at Wendy's have the same trouble computing change without electronic assistance.:facepalm:

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GSA supports an organization I am opposed to on moral grounds.

No cookies from them in our household.

I don't buy them either. I don't like Cookies or Snack/Junk Food anyhow.

That said, I have'nt even seen them for sale anywhere, ever. I guess it has to do with where I live.
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I'm kinda like that bear in the cage, I've nowhere to hide. As soon as they get their order forms I have a stampede of little girls heading toward the library for my order. I don't mind buying them. I usually keep a box for myself and give the rest away. I know that the funds go to programs and camps so I figure it's a worthwhile cause.

I also buy cookie shares and have them sent to our people who are deployed.
They taste great and they are for a good cause IMO. And some are better than others. I'll eat sleeve after sleeve of Thin Mints.

A group I play with played at the Lansing, MI Microbrew and Music Festival this past weekend and one of the breweries had a mint-chocolate stout that tasted like Thin Mints! Talk about flavor!
Must be regional, they were $3.75 here this year.
Chef's dad: August, there's a knock on the door. I open it, and there's this cute little girl scout.
Chef's mom: And she was so adorable with the little pig tails and all.
Chef's dad: And she says to me, "How would you like to buy some cookies?" And I said "Well, what kind do you have?" She had thin mints, graham crunchy things...
Chef's mom: Raisin oatmeal.
Chef's dad: Raisin oatmeal, and I said "We'll take a graham crunch. How much will that be?" And she looks at me and she says "I need about treefiddy."
Chef's mom: Treefiddy!
Chef's dad: Well it was about that time that I notice that girl scout was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era.
Chef's mom: The Loch Ness monster.
Chef's dad: I said "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no treefiddy!" It said, "How about just toofiddy?" I said "Oh, now it's only toofiddy?!" What is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"
Chef's mom: Now he was angry.
Chef's dad: Darn right I was angry.
Chef's mom: Not you, the monster. He was about to kick your arse.
Chef's dad: Shut your mouth, woman.
Chef's dad: August, there's a knock on the door. I open it, and there's this cute little girl scout.
Chef's mom: And she was so adorable with the little pig tails and all.
Chef's dad: And she says to me, "How would you like to buy some cookies?" And I said "Well, what kind do you have?" She had thin mints, graham crunchy things...
Chef's mom: Raisin oatmeal.
Chef's dad: Raisin oatmeal, and I said "We'll take a graham crunch. How much will that be?" And she looks at me and she says "I need about treefiddy."
Chef's mom: Treefiddy!
Chef's dad: Well it was about that time that I notice that girl scout was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era.
Chef's mom: The Loch Ness monster.
Chef's dad: I said "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no treefiddy!" It said, "How about just toofiddy?" I said "Oh, now it's only toofiddy?!" What is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"
Chef's mom: Now he was angry.
Chef's dad: Darn right I was angry.
Chef's mom: Not you, the monster. He was about to kick your arse.
Chef's dad: Shut your mouth, woman.

Besides, she just gave him tree fiddy tree days ago...
I used to buy 'em, but not in several years. While I like the idea of helping the young avoid the pitfalls of our modern society, I feel that the price has gotten excessive. Now that I am a diabetic, I have an even better excuse to avoid them.....
I support Girl Scout and Boy Scouts... provides funds for their programs.

If I remember correctly, Girl Scout troop get 40 cents per box and Local Council/Boy Scout Troop/Scout keep ~70% of popcorn costs. One week at Summer Camp cost ~$310 plus transport/charges for merit badge supplies. My son sells popcorn in the August heat and almost earn 100% of his camp costs. They learn people skills at same time.

I buy everytime I'm asked... .from my Scouts and kids in front of stores. My wife an School buy boxes and boxes of GSA cookies.

Lots of people can't eat the stuff.. they give a small donation instead... few dollars and that goes 100% to the Scout.

I also buy stuff from softball and sport teams, give money to the firemen in the intersection with boots, etc.

If I can pop off ~$200 for an L900DM reload (flew 6 last year and almost 68,000 NSec in motors)... I can buy some cookies and popcorn.
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I quit supporting the "Cookie Mafia" when I discovered that my local dollar store sells the same mint cookies for under $2.00, for the same number of cookies in the box!
I quit supporting the "Cookie Mafia" when I discovered that my local dollar store sells the same mint cookies for under $2.00, for the same number of cookies in the box!

It is a fundraiser so you shouldn't be surprised the price is inflated.
Local Council/Boy Scout Troop/Scout keep ~70% of popcorn costs.
Wow! Then they made off like bandits with the $15 popcorn bag I recently bought from them outside of a grocery store.
I never buy them, can't stand the dang things. My wife on the other hand buys 5-10 boxes a year between family members and employees.