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LW Bercini

Well-Known Member
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Jun 15, 2011
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Macon GA
Recently, I've detected a "vibe" here on the forum. People seem generally grumpier.

There is a lot of complaining about vendors, ads, grammar/spelling, national associations, you name it. There also seems to be a decline in the number of creative projects.

Mind you, this is just my perception. But I wonder if people are suffering from some extended case of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
I agree.
Possibly it's because we're also suffering from an extended case of WINTER.:mad:
It doesn't help that North Carolina has bipolar weather... :cry:
You can always winter here in southern Arizona. We don't have winter, and you can fly everyday if you want.
Well, the problem with NC is that our weather goes like this...

Winter............... SUMMER WINTER.....................................Summer WINTER.................

We had a 70 degree day, 1 week later we had 6 inches of snow, a few days later it was 70F...

As I like to say...

Welcome to North Carolina, the land of bipolar weather! Also, tobacco IS a vegetable! :rofl:
When I BARed back in 2010, just four short years ago, I was launching so often I had trouble keeping up with my motor needs.

Now, because of Western Oklahoma’s seemingly unending Burn Bans I haven’t been able to launch once so far this year and it doesn’t look good for the foreseeable future.

In fact my last launch was November 2013 and my best chance for my next launch isn’t until mid April.

Along with the above we’ve had blustery winds since the end of our freezing weather making it impossible for me to get any painting done on half a dozen completed rockets.
And then there was the swift kick in the groin at the news of Semroc closing; the fallout of which we haven’t even begun to experience.

Rant button now in off position.
It doesn't help that it's March 31st and we are having sleet and snow again today after nearly 5" of rain over the weekend.
It doesn't help that North Carolina has bipolar weather... :cry:


I'm guessing you have never lived anywhere else. After living in NC for 31 years, I lived in Chicago for 24 years, and am now living in GA. You do not experience the extremes of heat or cold like folks in other climes. In NC, I was never a "prisoner of the season" as I was during the Chicago winters, and now during the GA summers. But truth be told, the wet autumns in NC did not agree with me. It seems as if my shoes stayed wet from Labor Day to Halloween.
No, you don't understand. In NC, you can go from Sweatshirts and sweatpants, to T-shirts, to freezing your butt off in a period of 8 hours. You can go from dead calm, to 80MPH squall lines, to dead calm in under an hour. Trust me, it is bipolar. :)
It doesn't help that it's March 31st and we are having sleet and snow again today after nearly 5" of rain over the weekend.

I just vented 50,000 cubic feet of Freon into the atmosphere. Hopefully I can kick start global warming.:horse:

I am going back to bed and am not coming out until someone calls me and tells me it is seventy degrees and sunny.
I think we're in a stage of grief.

S.A.D. Semroc, After Decomissioning. Last year we had bad news with Carl's passing, then this year we had bad news Bruce's serious illness, and now Semroc is going out of business...
No, you don't understand.

No YOU don't understand. First of all, did you miss the fact that I lived in NC for 31 years - approximately twice as long as you have been alive? I dare say I have far more personal experience with NC weather than you.

Secondly, it is because NC weather is changeable, that it makes it tolerable. It is the long, long periods of extreme heat or extreme cold where it impractical to leave your home unless you absolutely have to, that wears you down. Just ask TopRamen. I'd be willing to bet he would trade "bipolar" weather for the seemingly unending winter he has been having up in VT, in a skinny minute!
Whoops, I missed the 31 years in NC part. Sorry. :)

And BTW, I would rather be in consistent weather and know it is going to be cold, than be in bipolar weather and constantly be changing from warm to cold... TOPRAMEN!! WANNA TRADE WEATHER!?!?!
You know what would be perfect for this thread? If it devolved into an irritable, grouchy piss-fest over who has the worst weather. It's kind of a S.A.D. performance art project.
We almost had weather here last week, but then it cleared up and went away.......
We're just happy it gets dark at night. Change is nice....
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This winter has sucked in it's own special way everywhere. I just said to my wife yesterday, that I can't wait for 45 straight days over 100 degrees to get here. Bipolar weather does indeed suck, but Matt, I lived in Durham 6 years and it has nothing on the crack-tastic winters in North Texas, or God forbid Oklahoma...the wild fluctuations and that DAMNED constant wind! Anyone who lives in Oklahoma year round is a heartier soul than I; the weather forcast there is just nuts with all the extremes except hurricanes and big earthquakes, they do get small ones.

Also, Thirst and fyrwrxz. Thansk for the laugh.
I am going back to bed and am not coming out until someone calls me and tells me it is seventy degrees and sunny.

It's a deal (don't anyone call H_R). Just send Karen with her CATO chutes and the grill with hots and hams. :wink:

Responding to the OP without quoting, the bad grammer/spelling and especially the poor punctuation drive me batty any time of year. :bat:
I am going back to bed and am not coming out until someone calls me and tells me it is seventy degrees and sunny.

Hey, Al? It's 75 Degrees and sunny! Here's photographic proof!


Matter of fact, I think I'll walk out the door and enjoy it, now. :)

The weather here has been great, especially on launch days, sunny, calm, low humidity. Combine that with the Estes Christmas sale that brought home a lot of cheap kits and then the big motor price increases kicked in. Lots to fly but motor box empty and more expensive to fill. GRUMPY

Only two of three motors lit on one of my silly odd rocs forcing the Commissar to run approximately a 100 yards to the crash site. Now I have to go through a great deal of Specialized High Intensity Training to get back into good graces. GRUMPY

I guess it is also Tax season. GRUMPY

Time to watch Grumpy Old Men again and LIKE IT!
two words Cabin Fever

My self I haven't burnt a motor since September 2013 due to weather
We have had very pleasant weather for most of the summer in the SF Bay Area --- too pleasant. We've had very little rain, and it's going to be a bad drought. So we'll be getting grumpy later in the year when the water rationing and wildfires kick in. Of course, today, when I had a million errands to run, it has been pouring down rain all day. A reasonable person would be glad, because we need every drop we can get, but I'm a little annoyed about the inconvenient timing.

The good news is that current forecasts show sunny and warm for the Snow Ranch launch on Saturday!
Up here in Maine, our spirits would be significantly higher if we could see out of our windows...


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For the last few months we've been hit with snowstorm after snowstorm.

And it's showing no sign of stopping. We've probably got 4-5 feet of snow in places. Really has a way of killing any motivation to work on rockets. :(

Right now it's freezing rain and high winds. Walking home today was quite painful.

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