I've forgotten how to put it together...

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Jun 6, 2011
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So I'm old-crap! I haven't used my own rail for over three years and now I need it to support a TARC launch (along with a snakepit of wires for my old club controller) and I'm stressing. How the frack does a Blacksky rail go together?. I know I can figure it out but I'm frustrated beyond reason due to all the work going into this weekend for the kids. I have to solder new clips and etc, etc. and rite now I'm just a whiny baby! Help! I'll be untangling wires until the calvary comes to the rescue......
I feel your pain, brother.

A friend gave me a t-shirt that says "The older I get, the better I was". Now I know exactly what that means.

Three things happen when you get old. First thing is your memory leaves town. I forget...what was the question? :D
Thanks! I was feeling like Henry Fonda picking berries there for a few! I did get it together-just needed to vent to my TRF brothers for a minute until the fit passed. I've got old down and covered. I've got cranky according to the kids and if my wife would let me, I could be a miser too! 2 outta three ain't bad. Fave t-shirt of the weekend..."If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll do it for you!"
I mite need Qualudes to deal with the TARC kids tomorrow! If I wasn't crazy, I'd go insane!
We had two TARC teams at our club launch yesterday. One was pretty good, but they only got 707 feet on their first test flight. No idea what the duration was, but it was probably pretty close. The second team had clearly done no prep work. Their rocket went about 50 feet in the air and was arcing over almost as soon as it left the rod. It landed in the small stream near the pad and about 5 seconds later the ejection charge went off.
We had two TARC teams at our club launch yesterday. One was pretty good, but they only got 707 feet on their first test flight. No idea what the duration was, but it was probably pretty close. The second team had clearly done no prep work. Their rocket went about 50 feet in the air and was arcing over almost as soon as it left the rod. It landed in the small stream near the pad and about 5 seconds later the ejection charge went off.
We were supposed to have 9 teams today and the call went out for club controllers. I spent all day and nite putting one together with an hour of sleep ( I literally couldn't see straight anymore).I burned thru 3/4 of a roll of solder and 500 ft of line. I found out at oh dark thirty I had no push buttons (WTH??) so went with a momentary toggle. I also cranked up my old Blacksky rail from the dead. Turns out TARC only uses lugs and only three teams showed up because of iffy weather. One crew drove over 130 miles to get here. The box never left the car-didn't need it. I'm gonna gold plate this sucker and nail it to the wall as a reminder of good deeds gone wrong...meh!
Is that why you eyes were so red this morning ? You need to open a window when you try to do so much solder flux.

You did a great job getting the kids through the far station - know Sparky Mike appreciates the effort and if the other teams had showed up YOUr launch equipment was up and running , he just didn't need the closer today Trevor Huffpad.

Felt like a bump on a log - guess I could have made the beep sound at your station.

KenRico-Kewl! (sound of puppy expiring...) Now I don't have to take it apart for a beeper. I'm going back to the surplus house for another box of crap-Need anything? I'd like to find another adding machine box- that worked pretty good!
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KenRico-Kewl! (sound of puppy expiring...) Now I don't have to take it apart for a beeper. I'm going back to the surplus house for another box of crap-Need anything? I'd like to find another adding machine box- that worked pretty good!

Yes, I need crap! Mounting hardware & bezels for batts , altimeters & personal beepers.

You need the CaveDuck reverse plastic/decal insert for your launch system .
