I couldn't dream of that!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Renton, Washington
I thought this may be a fun thread.

If you won the lottery and had all the resources in the world what would you build?

You know you have that RockSim file of the full scale V2 on a "R" motor you've been dreaming of.

Or the 1/8A down scale of your most prized rocket.

What would you build?

(Attach a RockSim file if could :D )

What would I build?

Well, most of you know my addiction to Squats (The rocket that is)

I want to build a 48" Diameter Squat. 4Feet in Diameter 28Feet Tall. 16ft tall Nosecone! 12' body tube. 12" motor mount. Preliminary numbers say that it would weight between 800 and 1000pounds. I want it to go to 6000' so I put that at a Full "Q" or Mid "R".

Once I find someone with the motor part down I will begin raising money. (BALLS 2016-2020?)

10grand should about cover it.

What would you build?

My RockSim file is attached.


PS: Mods feel free to move this thread where ever you feel it most makes sense. (I thought Plans worked well)

View attachment EXTREME SQUAT.rkt
Mega Darkstar on a P. Full Scale Nike Smoke on a P, Full Scale AMRAAM (AIM-120C) and a bunch of other things...

Screw building a rocket... :)

I'd buy a ride with the Russians to the ISS.

If I didn't win that much money, a ride with Virgin Galactic would count as a nice runner up prize.

3000-4000 sq/ft detached with lift to build new race car and big enough to pull through new coach, race trailer and store new boat. Nah, better shoot for 4,500. I really wouldnt change my goals too much as far as rocketry is concerned.
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I thought this may be a fun thread.

I want to build a 48" Diameter Squat. 4Feet in Diameter 28Feet Tall. 16ft tall Nosecone! 12' body tube. 12" motor mount. Preliminary numbers say that it would weight between 800 and 1000pounds. I want it to go to 6000' so I put that at a Full "Q" or Mid "R".

Once I find someone with the motor part down I will begin raising money. (BALLS 2016-2020?)

10grand should about cover it.

For a full Q/lite R an 8" motor with about 7' of propellant will do.
There are a couple people that could make you a motor that have done it for people at BALLS in the last few years. Of course as part of your rocket team and you give him your spare cash because he is such nice guy, not to pay for a motor.

Every one of these (all 4 pages), and these. :wink:

Also, one of these. And all of these.

With the rest of the money, I would start my own company. :D

Really, I think I would not go too crazy. I used to say I wouldn't quit my job because I would get bored, but nowadays I would more than likely quit just so I would be rid of the commute. It would be so nice to be able to attend my daughters' school functions and such without having to leave work early to do it. My car has 255,000 miles on it, so there would most definitely be a new one. Probably not anything too fancy, unless it was a real big jackpot...I've always loved the old Shelby Cobras from the mid 60s.

I might open a brew pub.

But as to rockets, I probably wouldn't change much from what I currently buy/build (though I might expand my tools). Except I might try to piece together some RC controlled boost glider...the Shuttle maybe. That would be fun.
Actually, I would develop a 6mm or 8mm (5/16") diameter, long-burn A (or B?) motor. Then create a micro-miniature flight computer so that I could implement dual deployment recovery in the rocket that will be launched on it so that I could recover it close to the pad after the 1,000' flight. I would also use the electronics to airstart some additional 1/8A strap-on boosters. And finally I would develop an onboard rocketcam to record the whole flight.

And then post scads of videos on YouTube... :D
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Actually, I would develop a 6mm or 8mm (5/16") diameter, long-burn A (or B?) motor. Then create a micro-miniature flight computer so that I could implement dual deployment recovery in the rocket that will be launched on it so that I could recover it close to the pad after the 1,000' flight. I would also use the electronics to airstart some additional 1/8A strap-on boosters. And finally I would develop an onboard rocketcam to record the whole flight.

And then post scads of videos on YouTube... :D

Mark, that'd actually be pretty awesome.

I want to add something to mine. Another dream is building a pitch black R14700 for Bryce's 48" squat...

Actually, I would develop a 6mm or 8mm (5/16") diameter, long-burn A (or B?) motor. Then create a micro-miniature flight computer so that I could implement dual deployment recovery in the rocket that will be launched on it so that I could recover it close to the pad after the 1,000' flight. I would also use the electronics to airstart some additional 1/8A strap-on boosters. And finally I would develop an onboard rocketcam to record the whole flight.

And then post scads of videos on YouTube... :D

I would not go any smaller than 10.5mm. At least the FAI flyers would have some other motors that they could use them in competition.
I would not go any smaller than 10.5mm. At least the FAI flyers would have some other motors that they could use them in competition.
You might be right. It might be too much to think I could cram that much impulse and any kind of long burn in a 6-8mm tube, regardless of length. But one can dream!! :marshmallow:
Actually, I would develop a 6mm or 8mm (5/16") diameter, long-burn A (or B?) motor. Then create a micro-miniature flight computer so that I could implement dual deployment recovery in the rocket that will be launched on it so that I could recover it close to the pad after the 1,000' flight. I would also use the electronics to airstart some additional 1/8A strap-on boosters. And finally I would develop an onboard rocketcam to record the whole flight.

And then post scads of videos on YouTube... :D

That's the mini NASA that fits in your hand...:eek: AWESOME:wink:
I'd build Apollo 18 - not a model, I'd build an Apollo / Saturn V - you did say all the resources in the world!

If you won the lottery and had all the resources in the world what would you build?
Hmm . . .
What first comes to mind is scale to semi-scale models of some sci-fi ships for a story I have occasionally played at writing and drawing things for over several decades.

My health ain't the greatest so I wouldn't want to go too hog wild with gazillions of projects.
I'd buy 640 acres and build a dedicated rocket park complete with all ground support, including parking, pads, plumbed bathrooms, covered prep area with tables, storage sheds, stadium lighting, stadium sound system, fire truck, first aid station, tractors, mowers ...
I'd buy 640 acres and build a dedicated rocket park complete with all ground support, including parking, pads, plumbed bathrooms, covered prep area with tables, storage sheds, stadium lighting, stadium sound system, fire truck, first aid station, tractors, mowers ...


If I won mills, first I'd pay off my house, then my son's house, then my brothers house, buy my nephew a house.
Then I'd buy a square mile somewhere close, clear it and flatten it.
Just so I'd have a place to launch without traveling.
As a youth, I could go 2000' and be safe. Same location today, don't dare go over 500'. Darn tree farms went up 20-25 years ago all around me. hundreds of acres of open fields have turned into chute catching pine trees, too dense to walk through.
Then, maybe by Estes, and bring back all the ones that were sooooo cool you can't get anymore. And spend the rest of my days designing even more cooler rockets for everyone to enjoy. And make engines as cheap as I could so everyone can launch as much as they want.
Then, maybe, buy a six pack and get drunk.