Cursing on PBS? On Nova? In 1989?!

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
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Mar 27, 2013
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Did I hear that right... 48:40 minute mark in, and the reporter says "Bull$pI+"?

School Boys Who Cracked The Soviet Secret

PBS, because it is viewer supported (like today's cable stations HBO, ShowTime, etc.) is not and was never regulated by the same FCC standards as commercial television.
Thanks to Tipper Gore, TV is a lot cleaner than it used to be. For proof, watch family movies from the '80's. I watched Gonnies with my kids a few months ago. Holy cow, those were some foul mouthed little kids.
PBS had nudity in the 1970's.


And, in the 1950's, there was a cartoon named "Woody Woodpecker". Try doing that NOW.
PBS had nudity in the 1970's.


And, in the 1950's, there was a cartoon named "Woody Woodpecker". Try doing that NOW.

Don't mock my friend Woody the Woodpecker from Walter Lanz Studios:

My folks were on an airplane in the mid-60's and they struck up a conversation with an animator from Lanz Studios and exchanged business cards. My sister got a box in the mail shortly thereafter with a Woody the Woodpecker watch. I think she still has it.

I remember my Dad saying the fellow told him he used to work for Disney and Walt Disney was a tyrant with his employees. Walter Lanz was a more accommodating place to work. Unfortunately they couldn't hit it as "big" as some of the
other animating houses. Kurt
K'Tesh, pop a couple Galadrial and get some sleep, all will be better in the morning, you'll forget all about this:)

K'Tesh, pop a couple Galadrial and get some sleep, all will be better in the morning, you'll forget all about this:)


I bet K'Tesh has both elbows and at least one knee and a tongue. Therefore, Galadrial is contra-indicated unless he wants one of his limbs to fall off or his tongue to turn green.
What's wrong with nudity? Nothing. Europe has had it on TV since the 60's. Only in backwards America do we think nudity is bad.
They used to bleep bull***t on the radio, i.e. Pink Floyd's "Money". Now, the squeaky clean stations still do, but the alternative stations don't bother. Most of the music the millenials listen to has way worse...
PBS had nudity in the 1970's.

One class I was in back in the early 80's the teacher recommended that we watch some show on PBS that night because it had something to do with what the class was reviewing, or something. Pssht, I wasn't about to watch that crap if I didn't have to.

The next day she nervously asked who watched it and when only one person said they had she was super relieved. She didn't know that there was going to be a topless woman in the show and was shocked that she'd recommended it to her kids - she was sure she'd get angry parents complaining about her. Wait, what?!?! I could have seen actual boobs if I'd watched PBS??? We were all pretty pissed that we missed that.
Depends upon who's nude. Some people aren't worth looking at with their clothes off!!!! Kurt

Good point. I stumbled onto Black's Beach in San Diego once. (I promise it was by accident!) It wasn't pretty--and the images are burned into my mind.
What's wrong with nudity? Nothing. Europe has had it on TV since the 60's. Only in backwards America do we think nudity is bad.

Back in 1990, I was stationed in England. My mom and stepfather had come to England to visit me, and a family friend in Scotland. I had joined them in Scotland, and remember watching a Saturday morning educational program while eating breakfast. In the show, it went on to show actual boys and girls (about 4 years old), and was discussing the differences between the genders. There was no censoring of the images, no animation... Actual videos of a boy and a girl.

The narration went something like this...

"This is Billy. Billy is a boy. This is Billy's penis. This is Mary. Mary is a girl. This is Mary's vulva."

My American mind was seriously blown by that. I'd seen the images of the naked natives from the various cultural programs in the US. But to actually specifically show the images of naked Caucasian children, and call out their genitalia by name was WAY out of my experience.
Thanks to Tipper Gore, TV is a lot cleaner than it used to be. For proof, watch family movies from the '80's. I watched Gonnies with my kids a few months ago. Holy cow, those were some foul mouthed little kids.

"Peni$ Breath!" came up in a conversation with friends the other day; for those who don't recall, it was said from a ~6 year old girl to her ~8 year old brother in the classic, E.T. When that came out I was way too young to catch it beyond the use of the biological term...but boy, was that a loaded pejorative!
"Peni$ Breath!" came up in a conversation with friends the other day; for those who don't recall, it was said from a ~6 year old girl to her ~8 year old brother in the classic, E.T. When that came out I was way too young to catch it beyond the use of the biological term...but boy, was that a loaded pejorative!

It wasn't Gertie (Drew Barrymore) who uttered the line. It was Elliot (Henry Thomas) who called his older brother, Michael (Robert MacNaughton), that.
oh, was that how it went? Well, still, pretty brash! Thanks for the correction!

Not a problem... To date, that is the only time I've ever heard someone say anything like that.

Now, hearing someone called "C***S**K*R!", that's a different story.
Not a problem... To date, that is the only time I've ever heard someone say anything like that.

Now, hearing someone called "C***S**K*R!", that's a different story.

interesting, isn't it? That's exactly how it came up- insults that COULD'VE become popular, but didn't...despite being heard by many!
Ah yes Black's Beach. We used to go there often when I was stationed aboard an Gator Freighter out of San Diego. Great place for body surfing but not for body viewing. Fun to watch the young Sailors and Marines just out of Boot Camp climb down to the beach expecting to see Glamor models or Playmates only to see wrinkled Grandmas and young children!
Valerie Perrine (in her prime)

One class I was in back in the early 80's the teacher recommended that we watch some show on PBS that night because it had something to do with what the class was reviewing, or something. Pssht, I wasn't about to watch that crap if I didn't have to.

The next day she nervously asked who watched it and when only one person said they had she was super relieved. She didn't know that there was going to be a topless woman in the show and was shocked that she'd recommended it to her kids - she was sure she'd get angry parents complaining about her. Wait, what?!?! I could have seen actual boobs if I'd watched PBS??? We were all pretty pissed that we missed that.
You could have that condition if you are on the Santa Clarita Diet.

It wasn't Gertie (Drew Barrymore) who uttered the line. It was Elliot (Henry Thomas) who called his older brother, Michael (Robert MacNaughton), that.