Missile Works T3. Need some help the Tx/Rx won't "associate".

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2014
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Best I can determine the Tx and Rx won't "associate" (communicate). :( No blinking LEDs on the Tx and Rx. Is there some trick not mentioned in the User Manual?

The Bluetooth appears to be working and I have fresh batteries and proper voltage at the terminal blocks on both boards.
I would call Jim. He was very helpful when I had issues with my RTx/GPS system. I ended up sending the unit back and he found a cold solder joint that he fixed.

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I would call Jim. He was very helpful when I had issues with my RTx/GPS system. I ended up sending the unit back and he found a cold solder joint that he fixed.

Is he going to answer the phone on a Saturday? What about the init sequence, do the T1 LEDs blink w/o the phone app working? I probably won't have time to send it back and wait for its return. Its a brand new unit.
Lights on both should be blinking. When your app is paired up with the T3, the little light on the HC-06 Bluetooth module that's mounted on the Rx board, will stop blinking and turn solid. I had the same problem as you when I first got mine. I unknowingly tested with dead/low batteries I had on hand. I got new batteries the next day and put a fresh charge on them and then the T3 worked great. I first turn on my Tx. then Rx then the app. I turn everything on in that order, and next I get the Tx buttoned up in the NC, and usually when that's done , everything else is all linked up and happy. Hope this helps.
Lights on both should be blinking. When your app is paired up with the T3, the little light on the HC-06 Bluetooth module that's mounted on the Rx board, will stop blinking and turn solid. I had the same problem as you when I first got mine. I unknowingly tested with dead/low batteries I had on hand. I got new batteries the next day and put a fresh charge on them and then the T3 worked great. I first turn on my Tx. then Rx then the app. I turn everything on in that order, and next I get the Tx buttoned up in the NC, and usually when that's done , everything else is all linked up and happy. Hope this helps.

Still does not answer the question: "do the T1 LEDs blink w/o the phone app working?" IOW... So even if my phone is NOT on I should still see "the T1 LED's ... semi-sync-flash in unison (association)." ?

Never mind the phone or the Bluetooth or pairing. Should the light blink when the Tx and Rx are simply powered up?

I'm not going to get this figured out unless I isolate the 4 or 5 separate subsystems that make this thing work and right know I'm just looking at whether the Tx is communicating with the Rx.
Still does not answer the question: "do the T1 LEDs blink w/o the phone app working?"

Never mind the phone or the Bluetooth or pairing. Should the light blink when the Tx and Rx are simply powered up?

Yes to both. Call Jim
Then mine are DOA. Already corresponded with Jim, but you are the first person to unambiguously answer that question. Thanks! Owe you one.

Sorry to reply to my own post, but I just got off the phone with Jim. We talked for well over an hour, most of it on something other than the T3 :)

Turns out both the Tx and Rx had not been "turned on". There is a pair of solder pads on the main board that have to be bridged to send power to the Xbees. With Jim's permission I soldered the bridge myself and had it working while he was still on the phone. Now on to the "hard part", the software. :wink:

And BTW captbk was exactly correct the T1 will blink with simply the addition of power.

thx everyone.
Sorry to reply to my own post, but I just got off the phone with Jim. We talked for well over an hour, most of it on something other than the T3 :)

Turns out both the Tx and Rx had not been "turned on". There is a pair of solder pads on the main board that have to be bridged to send power to the Xbees. With Jim's permission I soldered the bridge myself and had it working while he was still on the phone. Now on to the "hard part", the software. :wink:

And BTW captbk was exactly correct the T1 will blink with simply the addition of power.

thx everyone.

So he forgot to close the bridge before he sent it to you? If so and now it's fixed, that was the hard part. You should be able to get the software to work. You know? Chute happens and happy to know Jim was able to help you with it although if it was
resorted to sending it back, he would have picked up on it and got it going for you. Kurt
My gosh, that could be your trouble! I fired my T3 up again in our all-seasons room as most of the time a GPS lock can
be had out there. Had a lock in 5 minutes with B/T GPS app. Push comes to shove send it back to Jim if the soldering
job looks too daunting for you. Kurt
So he forgot to close the bridge before he sent it to you?

Yep, he fessed up immediately got to respect him for that. We have similar careers, that's what we talked about for an hour or better.

You should be able to get the software to work.

It was, in fact it was already working before the real problem was even diagnosed. It did not Require the "mock GPS". Jim says it's never required that for him either. The Bluetooth GPS app works beautifully and provides a satellite image of where the rocket is located.

...although if it was resorted to sending it back, he would have picked up on it and got it going for you. Kurt

... but then I would have missed my window for testing and fell short of what may be last opportunity to launch any HPR unil Nov. :(
No batteries or cables to test with yet... That is why I wanted a visual of the suspect location.

I'll post a pic if you still need it, just that's it a pain the butt on this forum.