Unusual Rocket Material

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Sep 29, 2011
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Howard, NY
There's this stuff that people have been using for centuries in a wide variety of applications. It comes in sheets and strips of various thicknesses, can easily be cut to shape, and is pretty strong. Usually it's rather flexible, and can be treated to be made more flexible or hard and rigid. It takes glues well, and can also use mechanical fasteners (rivets, screws, etc.)

Has anyone heard of rocketry applications for leather?
That's the kind of funny question I sometimes ask here (Insert "Thumbs Up" Smiley here)!!!
This oughta' be good.
I imagine the Ancients used it in primitive rocket warfare for fastening things.
I suppose that when you think of how rigid a Dried Pigs Ear or a Dog Gnawsh-A-Chew is, it would make sense to muse upon how one could create an organic rocket. I suppose it could be pressed flat to create a flat to make fins and centering rings, or even rolled and then lathed to make a nose cone.;) A body tube likewise is a no-brainer.
There's this stuff that people have been using for centuries in a wide variety of applications. It comes in sheets and strips of various thicknesses, can easily be cut to shape, and is pretty strong. Usually it's rather flexible, and can be treated to be made more flexible or hard and rigid. It takes glues well, and can also use mechanical fasteners (rivets, screws, etc.)

Has anyone heard of rocketry applications for leather?

You've got your mission...
Oh great, now I want to try to build a "Rawhide Rocket". Thanks a lot.
I suppose you could even use epoxy and reinforce the skin with fiberglass.:)
Oh great, now I want to try to build a "Rawhide Rocket". Thanks a lot.
I suppose you could even use epoxy and reinforce the skin with fiberglass.:)

I herd you might be trying to do something like that.

Yes, we're going to start milking this thread for cheezy puns.

Paging Thirsty... ThirstyBarbarian, you're presence is wanted on the Unusual Rocket Material thread.
From a chemistry standpoint, considering an organic motor, it could, in theory, be made from the Moocows excrement.:puke:
And of course you'de have to assemble said rocket with glue made from Horses.:lol:
I've considered a rocket made entirely of duct tape before...

The Red Green Show may have done that one already, you might have to watch every episode though......
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OK, I was actually serious, but this is good too.

Leather straps for shock chords or anchors? Leather treated with penetrating epoxy for some special part? I couldn't think of any, and just wondered if anybody knew of any uses.

But humor is OK. My skin isn't too thin. I'm not too hide bound for a good joke. As long as nobody takes it too fur. A few leather quips would be just tandy. Tell a really good one and I might just split my side. But if they're not funny I'll have to belt you. I thought a serious thread would be better, but my opinion could be suede.
OK, I was actually serious, but this is good too.

Leather straps for shock chords or anchors? Leather treated with penetrating epoxy for some special part? I couldn't think of any, and just wondered if anybody knew of any uses.

But humor is OK. My skin isn't too thin. I'm not too hide bound for a good joke. As long as nobody takes it too fur. A few leather quips would be just tandy. Tell a really good one and I might just split my side. But if they're not funny I'll have to belt you. I thought a serious thread would be better, but my opinion could be suede.

Very nice:rofl:
Not leather, but I built this with some "unusual" and....ummm, "primitive" materials:

bai fang pics.jpg

Bamboo airframe, solid balsa nosecone ("hand shaped"!), burlap laminate fins lashed on with twine, etc.
I suppose I could have used leather to lace the fins instead of twine.

You know, leather and lace might be something that would go well together...


I'd just love to see someone just whip something up... and Whip it good...

I suppose that when you think of how rigid a Dried Pigs Ear or a Dog Gnawsh-A-Chew is, it would make sense to muse upon how one could create an organic rocket. <snip...>

This could give a whole new meaning to the phrase... "When Pigs Fly!!"


Seriously, cut a disk of leather - and use as the bottom of a 'bag' to put the recovery system in (i.e. the part that most faces the ejection charge). Think those leather welder's aprons...

-- john.
The only problem I see with a leather rocket...would be my dog eating it, instead of retrieving it!:y:
Thirsty hasn't joined our bull session yet? I guess he's hideing. I bet that his puns would have some of us just dyeing.
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Here's a guy getting ready to retrieve his leather rocket from a tree.

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I herd you might be trying to do something like that.

Yes, we're going to start milking this thread for cheezy puns.

Paging Thirsty... ThirstyBarbarian, you're presence is wanted on the Unusual Rocket Material thread.

I got no skin in this game.
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Oh, Thirsty, I know you'll find a way of keeping the puns coming until the cows come home.

Of course, you'll need to keep'em clean unless you want CW(BULLet) tanning your hide. (No offense meant CW)
Oh, Thirsty, I know you'll find a way of keeping the puns coming until the cows come home.

Of course, you'll need to keep'em clean unless you want CW(BULLet) tanning your hide. (No offense meant CW)

I think CW has had enough stress lately without us chapping his hide. (I'm steering clear of the whole leather fetish angle...)
OK, I was actually serious, but this is good too.

Leather straps for shock chords or anchors? Leather treated with penetrating epoxy for some special part? I couldn't think of any, and just wondered if anybody knew of any uses.

But humor is OK. My skin isn't too thin. I'm not too hide bound for a good joke. As long as nobody takes it too fur. A few leather quips would be just tandy. Tell a really good one and I might just split my side. But if they're not funny I'll have to belt you. I thought a serious thread would be better, but my opinion could be suede.

It's good you don't let any of this get under your skin.