QCRS Launch Saturday February 28th 2015

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Jan 21, 2009
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Franklin, WI
QCRS Launch Saturday February 28th 2015, Princeton, IL

Are you coming, what are you flying?

I should have a 3" DD rocket, CTI I-470 WT, Mobius HD camera.

4" DD, motor TBD, Mobius HD camera as well.
Sure are considering it. Loki K 1127B in a Wildman Jr., K 610 SK in a 4" V2.

I'm hoping to have a 5.5" IROC-ish kit ready for a L730. We'll see. I'm currently in Norcross, GA for three days of svc school. We'll see if I can get it prepped Friday night...
And I might bring my Madd Max to do the ground tests...

Sounds like fun. You guys have fun out there. I'll be playing chess.
Next time I get out, it's time to unveil the "Darko-Star"
The weather forecast is calling for sunny sky's and high 20's. If that is what we really get, I will definitely be stretching some wings.
The weather forecast is calling for sunny sky's and high 20's. If that is what we really get, I will definitely be stretching some wings.

Weather report is still favorable. Packing up my crap tonight, heading out in the AM. :D
Range should be set up by 9AM. Clear sky's in the forecast all day long. Looking forward to a good day of launching. Bring out your big-uns!!
my thermometer is showing -16F right now. Y'all are crazy :)
It was brisk, but not too bad. A balmy 16 degrees... :eyeroll: Actually, a lot of people there. Lots of TARC kids there.
Only one rocket left behind on the power wires; sorry Judy. Hope recovery from the power company goes well.

Great day, great weather and a pretty good turn out. Thanks to all of you that braved the weather to come fly with us. Hope to see you all again soon. For those that stayed home, you missed some great flying weather. Dressed warm enough and was actually too warm at one point.

glad to see you out and fly a big motor, Adrian. See you next time....maybe the mad max will make an appearance.
Good day to fly, assuming you dressed for the weather. Having little to no wind was a major plus... :)

Took some video, including some on-board video that turned out really well. I-470 to 3300 feet, dual deploy, on-board video the whole way. K-750 to 7800 feet, dual deploy, on-board video the whole way as well. I'll share the video once available. I take it Youtube is good enough ??? :)
There was a guy there, I did not catch his name, did his L1 cert. If you know this person, please PM me his contact info so I may email him a copy of his cert L1 video. Thanks!
That would be my dad, Richard Bennett. I will have him PM you his contact information.

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Thanks everyone for a great launch! I flew my 5" Jart on a J760 and my Mini Vindicator on a G54. My dad, as rfjustin mentioned, got his Level 1 Cert. with a Wildman Sport on a H54. Everything that we flew was flown and recovered successfully.
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Had aGreat day! Cold but very little wind and clear blue skies. First up was my Wildman Jr on the. New Loki 38mm K1127 blue. Raven says 11,843', 64g's at 1022 mph, 1.35 Mach :)' next up was my 4" V2 on a K610 SK, raven says 9260', 15.5 G's 690 mph, last was my Wildman sport on a kosdon I385, rocksim says 4800' @ 929mph. I bet that's pretty close. All recovered with no damage. Was a good day and nice to see everyone again.
In the same sentence... bizarre.

You guys are killin me...
It was your old rocket, Tim. Flew great. Had a little trouble getting the main out of the bag, I'll probably switch to nomex sheet and do a burrito wrap from now on. But I thought I'd try it. It had the pilot out and the drouge and landed in a foot of snow, so no damage...

Adrian is going to surprise us all and show up for his L3 attempt with a Mad Max and a P-8000!!
Got all my data downloaded?...uploaded??....whatever.

First up was the new Wildman Punisher on a Gorilla K327 moon burner- 10,113 feet @ 681 MPH (said the RRC3)

Next was the Wildman Extreme Darkstar on an Albino Assault L1260 (4G/75MM)- 13,373 feet @ 845 MPH (said the Raven)

Finally, the Wildman Sport SS (minimum diameter) on an Aerotech J1299- 9669 feet @ 867 MPH (said another Raven)

Recovery was like walking in deep soft sand. My Fit Bit step counter said I walked nearly 10 miles and most of that was through snow and ice.

Oh yeah, my truck got stuck in a ditch and Manny had to pull me out.....After I had just pulled Justin out of a ditch earlier.
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Sounds like it was a good time, hope to make it to the next launch.
Adrian is going to surprise us all and show up for his L3 attempt with a Mad Max and a P-8000!!

Now that would be cool!

Well, don't get too excited. I'm gonna use a plain ole M1939W. If you guys don't quit ribbin me, I'm gonna switch to the CTI M1560WT. :p 325lbs initial thrust. Using the 5 to 1 thrust to weight ratio says I can go up to 65lbs before I have trouble. Right now weight (unpainted) is 40lbs. 8in airframe is gonna take a LOT of rattle cans. I'm tempted to go to the body shop that just painted dad's Suburban, and see how much for primer and a base color. If the pic would load, I'd show what I'm gonna base my paint scheme off of. :mad:
I'll try later. Forum is working slower than molasses at a QCRS club launch...
Finally. Cripes. Had to switch to IE to do it and still had to try three times. What the...
And the name: Rockatansky. Can't wait for Tim to butcher that. Actually it will be OK, as long as I don't try to fly it on Saturday Night at MWP.... :tongue: :tongue:

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