Undead Pict Warrior Rocket

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Oddroc scum. Mindsimmer.
TRF Supporter
Jan 23, 2009
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Littleton Colorado
With the recent NO vote in Scotland the old gods have become angered. Rumor has it that a Pict zombie apocalypse is imminent this winter solstice. North of the wall only vast amounts of fine whiskey, ale and haggis will appease them. If they decide to reclaim the land south of the wall, including the rebuilding of Stonehenge, then say good bye to all law and order brought by the Romans. Pictland – YES! We might even have to drop the Roman name “Pict” and finally discover what they actually called themselves.

The first sign of the apocalypse has been seen in this rocket. Powered by two F-15 0s and one F-15 4 he might just vanquish be the last King of Scotland and take the true crown for himself. With his blonde hair limed back and with the woad having stained to the bone, he is ready for battle. A true nightmare for any Roman or Romanized lackey that happens to be in his presence. Because he will be airborne the old gods have included aerial recognition banners to each of the forward motors. They are well aware of a potential Russian Bomber overhead and want to avoid any nasty business with Putin. They made sure there is no doubt which nation this thing is coming from. If he flies well then woe be to all Romans, Norse, Anglo Saxons and even Celts he doesn’t fancy. It will not be a pretty PICTURE. If he flies badly then it will still not be a pretty PICTURE. At least he had the brains to include a recovery system!

Just a $5 Halloween sale item at Party City that took $40 of Plastic Weld epoxy clay to build.

Pict 1.jpgPict 9.jpgPict 8.jpgPict 7.jpgPict 6.jpgPict 5.jpgPict 4.jpgPict 3.jpgPict 2.jpgPict 10.jpg
WOW! That's fantastic. Although the 6th and 7th picture makes him look like he had a major migraine. No wonder he looks so angry

Post pix when it flies
WOW! That's fantastic. Although the 6th and 7th picture makes him look like he had a major migraine. No wonder he looks so angry

Post pix when it flies

It took major brain surgery with the Dremel so he could fit on the launch rod and blow his top when the time came. The anger comes from nearly 2,000 years in the underworld. In his ideal world there would be a pub/tattoo parlor on every corner, with clothing optional.
Very Cool!!!:clap:

I love your Oddrocs because I bet they make RSOs have nightmares!
Very Cool!!!:clap:

I love your Oddrocs because I bet they make RSOs have nightmares!

What did Merlin say in Excalibur: "To some I am a dream . . . to others a nightmare!" Well, the guys have seen the unmodified store version and know what I planned to do with it. We will see their reaction to the finished rocket. One thing going for it is those dern tractor motors and the lovely CG location they provide.
Sexier than a caber toss! With this guy on our side, those southern nancy boys will never stand a chance! Revenge is best served with smoke and flames-SCOTLAND FOREVER!
Seriously cool waaayyy out of the box odd roc, Daddy!
Sexier than a caber toss! With this guy on our side, those southern nancy boys will never stand a chance! Revenge is best served with smoke and flames-SCOTLAND FOREVER!
Seriously cool waaayyy out of the box odd roc, Daddy!

Thanks. Hopefully all the motors will light so it does not share the flight characteristics of a caber toss.
The zombie Pict flew today towards the wall but could not over come the barrier. Up and over on all motors in a big arc the four second delay was a tad too long to avoid impact. Tell the Emperor the wall worked and the Empire and all civilization is safe. The Saint Andrews Crosses kept this pagan on an Orthodox path, on the straight and narrow. I know there was some video but I hope it will come a bit later for more analysis. The zombie brains were bashed out but it can be easily reglued and straightened, a bit of burn on the back end of the spine as expected.

Pict launch 1.jpgPict launch 8.jpgPict launch 2.jpgPict launch 4.jpgPict launch 7.jpgPict lauch 3.jpgPict launch 6.jpg
From the Picts looks like a splitting headache to get it all back together... I'm sure though that there's a good enough supply of brains here to figure out how to get it back together without any skulduggery if we can put our heads together.
The Saint Andrews Crosses kept this pagan on an Orthodox path, on the straight and narrow.
The St. Andrew's Cross would not have done much for any pagan deity, except perhaps make him angry at you for decorating his rocket with a Christian symbol. :D

The legend of the saltire is that in 832AD, King Oengus II of the Picts prayed to St. Andrew on the eve of a battle against the Angles, led by King Athelstan. The following morning a white cross appeared in the blue sky, which the Picts took as a good omen. They won the battle and King Oengus II kept the promise he made in his prayer, which was to make St. Andrew's cross the symbol of his land.

If you ever visit Scotland, one place to see is the Museum of Flight at East Fortune. Not far away from there is the village of Athelstaneford, which is also near enough where the battle is alleged to have taken place, and they have an exhibition all about the battle and the history of the saltire flag.

These days, it's quite common to see a white cross in a blue sky, where two high flying aircraft have recently been on crossing courses. But there weren't that many high flying aircraft in 832AD. Perhaps a pair of Pictish goblins were riding rockets that day. What that means is that you now have to build a second one and launch the pair of them in a drag race. :lol:

And thanks to that "No" vote, we're still under UK law, which among other things means we still get to use quickmatch without needing a licence. Very useful for igniting those clusters. ;)
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By launching a number of these naked blue Barbarians from the Celtic Fringes of the launch area you might just get a snake or dragon drawn in the sky due to their chaotic nature. By the Dark Ages you could add cone like kilt for more stability down near the base. Probably a good thing to stay in the Union, that will keep old Sean Connery from launching rockets off classic cars like he did in the 007 days.
Well at least one of the video takers at the fringe of the range said his video didn't turn out. He had the courage to stand at the edge of the range and video, but was just scared enough he pushed the wrong button on the camera and missed the flight. I told him it was OK for an ordinary Roman citizen to react in such a way to the fearsome Barbarian, much braver than I, cowering under the club club's trailer in the fetal position sucking my thumb. There was one more brave lad who I heard at least got the take off, but wee will see if he shows up on the forum. Hopefully the Blue painted Barbarians didn't get him as well.
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Second flight today with some very minor mods. Only two lit but it flew upwards, spun and ejected at apogee for a nice soft and safe landing. All igniters lit and there was soot in the nozzle but that third F 15 just would not light. Was very happy it flew on just two motors. With the burn on the spine I can now call it "This is Spinal Tap."

Second flight today with some very minor mods. Only two lit but it flew upwards, spun and ejected at apogee for a nice soft and safe landing. All igniters lit and there was soot in the nozzle but that third F 15 just would not light. Was very happy it flew on just two motors. With the burn on the spine I can now call it "This is Spinal Tap."

View attachment 252046View attachment 252047

It 'twas the Rock & Roll creation
It 'twas a terrible big bang
It 'twas the ultimate mutation
Ying was searching for his yang
And he looked and he saw that it was good
After the second flight the old warrior needed some support on his lower back due to some burning issues. He saw an old fossil on the television pushing those back elastic braces and throwing the football at the dog. Consequently this old blue guy got a wrap on his back and is now ready to get back into the game.

Pict tape.jpgPict tape 2.jpg
A successful flight today. All three motors lit thanks to some E matches from a generous TRF member. Cool flight video in the works. The heat from the motor burns the back and softens the wire. bend back to straight, wrap some tape and fly again.

Pict success.jpgPict success 2.jpgPict success 3.jpg
'S math a rinn thu!
(Well done!)

The ancestors are well pleased.

Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho'n d'thainig sibh.
(Remember the men from whom you come)


The video is in!

Don't mind the seal bark and fins clapping at the end. The seal was just there to watch the squid rocket.

P.S. Guys, who brought the seal to the launch again? Thanks to Redneck Pyro for the awesome slow mo video!
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'S math a rinn thu!
(Well done!)

The ancestors are well pleased.

Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho'n d'thainig sibh.
(Remember the men from whom you come)


Thanks! Always good to see another Flying Scotsman! Although this warrior fossil won't be a Scotsman for a few hundred more years until Scotland is created.