Star Wars - Rise of Skywalker

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I really enjoyed it. Saw it Friday morning at 8:45, had the day off, and didn't want to risk spoilers.

Some will find reason to hate to be "kEwL H8eRs". They've already gone to the Dark Side.

I hope some of the haters of this movie series (who made up their minds before this one came out), but LOVE the Mandalorian, will jump on a certain unknown till now Jedi power in the movie, as a thing for them to hate on. Because the same kind of power was used in this week's episode of the Mandalorian (THEN what? They'll hate the Mandalorian?).

I think of the fools who hated on the scene in Last Jedi where Leia "flew". Some made such a whiny BFD out of it as a reason to hate the movie. She didn't "fly". She used the same kind of Jedi force to pull herself to the ship (in zero-G), that Luke and Reye and other Jedis used to make Lightsabers "fly" thru the air into into their hands.

Also, there was a Russian Troll campaign to hate on Last Jedi. The negative reaction wasn't 100% the Russian trolls, but it was significant. Probably going to happen this time too.

OK, so here's a spoiler. That scene right after a big blue British police box arrived.....

Found that in a story about a rumor Matt Smith was going to be in it, then that he wasn't
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I saw it this morning. I enjoyed the movie. Ignore the haters, they aren't true fans anyway.

The film showcased 2 force powers that I think were only in a few video games in the past. They were not in any of the previous films, at least. I have not seen the Star Wars Cartoons or read very many of the books. Mandalorian showed one of them.
I heard Spock dies in this one. I hope that isn't true.

You know, I really preferred the versions with Deckard's voice-over narration.

Do they find the vanished 13th tribe in this one, I wonder?

Has Martin Scorsese written that RoS "fills him with sadness?"

You know, there is a corollary to Poe's law here ... it may not be possible to effectively parody or lampoon the fervor of Star Wars fans.
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My son and I went last night. It was good enough. Had to call BS only once. Ain't nobody gonna survive being spaced, IMHO.

The thing I liked most wasn't even the movie. There was a little girl dressed as Rey.
The thing I liked most wasn't even the movie. There was a little girl dressed as Rey.
You’re lucky the costume nazis weren’t at your theater. They wanted to turn me away because I had on a scarf (“like Doctor Who”).

Another guy got called out for a beret because it was “military.” Managers need to find actual work...
You’re lucky the costume nazis weren’t at your theater. They wanted to turn me away because I had on a scarf (“like Doctor Who”).

Another guy got called out for a beret because it was “military.” Managers need to find actual work...

Wait, what? They’ll turn people back from a movie for wearing costumes? That ... wouldn’t fly out in Seattle.

Fun fact, on opening night for Ep 1, someone was playing with a laser pointer on the screen before the show started. The manager told the guy that was fine until the lights went down, but security wasn’t going to save his butt if he tried it during the show.
Wait, what? They’ll turn people back from a movie for wearing costumes? That ... wouldn’t fly out in Seattle.

Theaters in my area (Detroit-ish) have strict no costume policies. No costumes, no masks, no costume accessories (lightsabers, plastic swords, shields, etc.).
I guess I “get” why the critics have been roasting SW:TRoS - a lot of them invested a great deal of their credibility defending Rian Johnson’s SW:TLJ and since director J.J. Abrams pretty much ash cans 80% of TLJ they’re circling the wagons. I was entertained by TLJ but really disliked the messaging - it may be apocryphal but I agree with Sam Goldwyn “If you have a message, call Western Union”. If you’re planning on sending messages with your movie said messages should come naturally from the character interaction within the story, not by bludgeoning the audience with massive metaphors! TRoS may have some clunky dialogue (it IS a Star Wars movie!), some cheesy effects, and a reliance on HUGE coincidences to make the plot work (anybody bullseyed a womp rat lately?) - but for heaven’s sake, it’s a Star Wars movie! George Lucas cobbled the first one together out of old Republic Pictures serials, WWII movies, Japanese samurai flicks, and Joseph Campbell/Carlos Castaneda pseudo-mystical mumbo-jumbo! High art they aren’t and never have been. TRoS wraps things up, has some nice moments, some interesting effects and fight scenes and is generally entertaining without being a blatant insult to the audience (the scenes in the Sith throne room were genuinely creepy). TRoS even managed to inject a little bit of the camaraderie of the original trilogy into the current cast - much needed after TLJ split up our primary trio of Rey, Poe and Fin for most of the movie. Yes, it has a bit too much of J.J. Abrams mystery box hooey, hyper cuts, and flashing lights (no lens flares though or smoke monsters!) but overall a very satisfying 2.5+ hours in a theater watching a Star Wars movie. I’d see it again - first time I’ve said that since the original in 1977 (16 year old me saw Star Wars at least a dozen times at the theater) and the first time my wife has EVER said that about a movie over 100 minutes long :)
My girlfriend and I really liked it. May see it again, may eait for it on D+

The film showcased 2 force powers that I think were only in a few video games in the past.

The one also seen in the Mandalorian has been a video game staple for a good while (any Knights of the Old Republic fans out there?)

The other one.....bit out of left field there, although the extent and reach of force-bonds has always been mysterious.

felt like a true conclusion to the saga.

Until the next one :cool:

Wait, what? They’ll turn people back from a movie for wearing costumes

My theaters of choice have had "No masks or full face headgear" signs for awhile.

pretty much ash cans 80% of TLJ

I dunno, it seemed to fit in pretty well in the mentions. Battle of Crait, Holdo maneuver, the vision, porgs, etc....

bit too much of J.J. Abrams mystery box hooey, hyper cuts, and flashing lights (no lens flares though

Ah yes, jedi/sith holocrons are definitely not mystery box hooey :D

Couldve sworn I saw some lens flare in one scene, and i wasnt even looking out for it
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"any Knights of the Old Republic fans out there?"

Among other powers, KOTOR had a force bond, force healing, and a force power that drained the enemies health to boost the user's. There were also some force powers for shields, Bastilla's Battle Meditation, blocking force powers, and powers against droids.

One thing about the Rise of Skywalker is how it touches lightly on Sith lore. It really made me want a film or series set around the Knights of the Old Republic and Revan.
I saw the movie on Friday, and I really did liked it. I will agree with those that say it felt a bit rushed. Not sure it was so rushed it warrants two movies as some have suggested. I would have liked to see more action on the old Death Star, more explanation on the evil Rey, though I get this mirror of the scene in the tunnels in Empire on Dagobah. If you watch closely there are a lot of scenes that mirror past scenes. But I expected nothing less coming from JJ since Force Awakens was almost a complete mirror of New Hope.
Is this thread spoiler-free, or full spoiler at this point? The title doesn't indicate.
I avoided this thread until after I'd seen it, just in case, and I wasn't able to see it until about a week after it came out. I think anyone that opens this thread knows what the topic is and shouldn't be surprised or upset if they read a spoiler.

Speaking of... I'm SO glad the surprise of who Rey's family was wasn't spoiled for me before seeing the movie. That was an unexpected twist. I managed to go back and watch Episode 7 again before seeing this movie a second time and it really did change how it felt. The first time seeing Episode 7 it bothered me that this girl with no training was able to be so strong with the force and actually fight a trained Sith with light sabers and win, seeing it after knowing who she really was made it easier to understand.

I wonder if J.J. had that planned way back then? I heard he didn't have a lot of input into the story line of Episode 8 so I'm glad he was able to pull it back to this at the end.

Such a great ending to the saga.
Pardon me for necroing this thread, but I just saw it on Disney+ today.
My impressions: Totally formulaic.
Instead of Luke, Han and Leia we have Finn, Poe and Rey.
And instead of Luke saving his father from the darkside we have Rey saving Kylo.
But I still enjoyed it.
(Wished we could have seen Zorii's whole face instead of just her eyes).
Ironic, even the corporate access media shills have now turned on the Sequel Trilogy. Star Wars can't bring new subscribers to D+, Indiana Jones lost money, Willow was taken off D+ and is now offered for outside distribution. Say it ain't so Lucas Film!

Silence any criticism as haters has not aged well. Over zealous cancel culture is on the wain. Hollywood is a disaster. What has happened to the M-she-U, DC, Pixar, Disney live action remakes? So sad.
I re-watched and wrote a retrospective review not too long ago for a dedicated Star Wars Discord server I’m in. It reads:

This movie’s reception suffered greatly from rabid speculation, extensive behind-the-scenes drama, major production challenges like the death of Carrie Fisher and, yeah, I’ll say it, bigotry in the fan community. Much of that seems less important a few years on.

If Episode VIII explores trauma extensively, Episode IX explores the early stages of the healing process. Remembering what’s important, discovering new ways to fill needs, and getting support from those close to us. The unification of the hitherto separate trio is no accident.

I’m also seeing less a reversal of what Johnson did and more a building on it that I wasn’t really open to at the time. Just as one example, Luke’s scenes with Rey no longer feel like a rebuke of Hermit Luke, but merely an extension of where Luke found himself at the end of TLJ, with his hope and faith restored. Providing his X-wing signified mastery over his previous trauma and anxieties while also solving a more practical problem of providing Rey with transport.

Unfortunately IX is still sort of weighted down with explaining or modifying what other installments did before, something that George’s movies and IX’s two predecessors never really concerned themselves with. It takes a lot of short detours to fill us in and hold our hands in ways that feel alien to the established structure of the series. It’s also strange that it concerns itself so and yet its endemic plot points still feel a bit contrived. There are a few moments when the screenplay not only winks at us but also leans into our personal space really hard to do it. Yet, I can’t help but feel that some of the criticism of this contrivance was blown way out of proportion.

It’s not the greatest of movies but not a complete disaster either (despite the odds that 3PO might have given us). I’d give it a C.
That reminds me.
Luke's X Wing has been lying submerged all these years, it's raised with seaweed hanging from it, and Rey just goes off and flies it?

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