So who is watching Orion live now!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
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The live stream here in Australia is spotty but I'm trying.. Who else is on the forum and watching live???

There was another hold because of a wind gust.
The local weatherman said the wind speed increases 2 mph, every hour after sunrise.
scrubbed for today... drain/fill valve issues... 24 hour recycle recommended... safing vehicle and detanking ops proceeding... OL JR :)
Was, got to work (babysitting 3 yr old grandson)

w/65" TV there :)

Looks like they are going to go for it again today. Another late night for us in Australia I was up till 2am watching. Time to get the snackies out.
We stepped outside at T-10 seconds. But there were too many clouds between here in east Orlando and the Cape. We couldn't see anything, not even the clouds lighting up.

A new launch constraint should be that the launch is visible from my house!

-- Roger
I missed the launch due to video loss of connection until 4 minutes in,..
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I missed the launch due to video loss of connection until 4 minutes in,..

You and me both.....

I thought I was watching it...the second the engines lit it went into buffer mode and I lost transmission until six minutes in....

Too bad regular cable TV - CNN or Sci channel didn't have coverage.....real disappointing.

From what I heard on the other posting here, it happened to several locations....
Super launch :) Streaming here in Australia was ok!

NASA's published the launch video on Youtube


Bed time now.

It was an enjoyable launch to watch on TV, but when it went into the Clouds they switched to that Computer Graphic Representation that I hate.
Thankfully, just a couple of seconds later they switched to the "808 #16 camera view" that Parrythewind mentioned, and that was pretty sweet!
Kudos to those who made that all happen!:clap:
When did T- become L-?

L- is when they're in a hold... IIRC...

T- is actually the time to liftoff ON THE MISSION CLOCK, which stops when they go into planned or unplanned holds... L- is the time to liftoff PLUS the anticipated time in the planned holds... IOW, say they take a 5 minute planned hold at T-4 minutes, then it would be L-9.00 minutes and holding... though the mission clock would read T-4:00 minutes and holding...

Later! OL JR :)
I was lucky enough to see it with no problems on NASA TV HD.
I did almost miss it though, trying to get the kids out of bed to see it.
At first they didn't want to watch, but I told them it was history in the making.
They were glad they watched afterwards.
And to think... the entire Orion flight will go no higher than six inches from the surface of your typical 12 inch high school classroom globe... (3600 miles and the scale of a 12 inch globe is 660 miles per inch).

At this same scale, the Apollo lunar missions flew 31 feet away from that same high school globe, to a softball-size moon about four inches in diameter...

Continuing the analogy, the highest the shuttle ever flew was about a HALF INCH or so above that same globe... 384 statute miles on the Hubble deployment flight... and it took EVERY BIT OF POWER that the shuttle had to reach that altitude and conduct its mission and safely return... Most shuttle missions were actually much lower in altitude than that...

Later! OL JR

At this same scale, Mars would be a roughly six-inch ball, 0.86 miles away at the closest... (4545 feet away).

Live video from the Ikhana drone 200 miles off Baja on its way from NASA Armstrong to the recovery area... beautiful dawn over the ocean off California... 2 hours 23 minutes into the 4.5 hour mission... Orion coasting to apogee...

Gorgeous view of quarter Earth out the window... haven't seen that in a LONG time... (my lifetime anyway)...

OL JR :)